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Blip 06-21-2005 06:47 PM

Design your own bridge [JW Competition]
Some of you might've heard of this. It's a piece of software for designing simple bridges and testing them in a simulator which measures stress on individual components of the structure. It is aimed at novices that have no engineering background and it a great way to learn about some the work civil/structural engineers do. There's also an annual competition organized by the Westpoint military Academy in the US if you really get into it. :)

It's quite fun to mess around with and make the bridge collapse when the truck passes :twisted:

My winning design :lol:

Get Bridge Designer HERE[/b]

RC45 06-21-2005 06:57 PM


Sorry, there is no Macintosh version.

Die Mac - Die!!! ;)

ViperASR 06-21-2005 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Sorry, there is no Macintosh version.

Die Mac - Die!!! ;)

Amen to that!!

TransAm 06-21-2005 08:28 PM

Cool, I might have to play about with this. I did a B.Sc Engineering degree which is what you do if you're crap at hard maths and can't handle a B.Eng! :oops: This is about my level!! :lol:

|Nuno| 06-22-2005 01:47 PM

This is actually quite nice! And addicting too. :D

My best so far:

antonioledesma 06-22-2005 01:57 PM

the best and most boring design :mrgreen:
that's why that kind of brigde (I don't remember the name of that arrangement) was used very often
now engineers and architects are looking for new and exciting bridges.
of course I don't think this program allows you to have a weird design

5vz-fe 06-22-2005 01:58 PM

Had a similar program during my first year of engineering. The problem is we have to build it after we design it using pogo sticks, so a design like Blip's would be very "interesting" to build :wink:

|Nuno| 06-22-2005 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by antonioledesma
the best and most boring design :mrgreen:
that's why that kind of brigde (I don't remember the name of that arrangement) was used very often
now engineers and architects are looking for new and exciting bridges.
of course I don't think this program allows you to have a weird design

Haha, true. But hey, it works! I think it's called arched bridge or something...

I'm gonna work on a different design now.

Blip 06-22-2005 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by 5vz-fe
Had a similar program during my first year of engineering. The problem is we have to build it after we design it using pogo sticks, so a design like Blip's would be very "interesting" to build :wink:

Back in school i made a suspension bridge with tooth picks, cardboard and rope and it supported the wieght of a few matchbox cars :D

antonioledesma 06-22-2005 02:12 PM

I'll try an exotic design and wait to see if that bridge can be strong enough

in my first semester I had to build a bridge with spaghetti straws and white glue (used by carpenters) so the small bridge could withstand a laser printer

5vz-fe 06-22-2005 02:27 PM

^^ That's pretty impressive, did u made it?

antonioledesma 06-22-2005 02:51 PM

yes, it was a bitch. But one of the objectives was to have a light brigde.
if your brigde withstanded the printer, then the bridge was weighed. So the winner had the lightest and strongest bridge.

you could see brigdes that weighed 2 kilos :lol: and broke :lol:

5vz-fe 06-22-2005 03:39 PM replacement for ..umm....weight.....that's a new theory keke

can I paint carbonfibre sticks into spaghetti like sticks and make the bridge =P~ I am sure I will win

Blip 06-22-2005 03:59 PM

How about we have a small competition to see who can make the best bridge :twisted:

The aim is to make the CHEAPEST bridge, which still passes the load test. Who's in ?

|Nuno| 06-22-2005 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Blip
How about we have a small competition to see who can make the best bridge :twisted:

The aim is to make the CHEAPEST bridge, which still passes the load test. Who's in ?

Count me in. So far I'm only at 190K though...

Gotta work harder!

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