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silentm 11-06-2008 03:16 PM

So i formated my Vista laptop -> weird problem
so now all is almost fine up to the point when i want to watch movies...

i got the latest VLC and it plays all the videos fine, but they all seem very pixelated, which was not the case before.

so does anyone maybe have an idea as to how to help me, but please spare me the "get rid of Vista" answers as they are really useless...

nthfinity 11-06-2008 03:31 PM

I run Vista, and VLC; with no such issues.

My XP machine is having trouble on my 1900x1200 monitor doing full screen itself; not with playing smoothly, but with some odd line blurring results. Doesn't happen when running the Vista laptop.

I don't have the newest VLC, but it appears as if the software is sharpening the image process...

SHIZL 11-06-2008 04:06 PM

what kind of video card do u have or monitor size and what kind of avi's r u trying to run (HD). i have that problem with some 1080 movies cause my laptop runs a video accelarator and the 1080 uses up too much of my ram and causes the video to pixalate (crash)

5vz-fe 11-06-2008 05:30 PM

I would check the video card driver.

SHIZL 11-06-2008 07:08 PM

could also be the power settings,in the control panel there should be a screen resolution settings on the left all the way down there crank that all the up also.

silentm 11-06-2008 08:09 PM

thank you everyone for the great suggestions, i will try them out tomorrow :D

philip 11-07-2008 12:56 AM

So i formated my Vista laptop -> weird problem

Dont we all love Bill so much. But Windows 7 is going to be better.:mrgreen:

HeilSvenska 11-07-2008 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by philip (Post 858175)
So i formated my Vista laptop -> weird problem

Dont we all love Bill so much. But Windows 7 is going to be better.:mrgreen:

I love Bill so much more than I do Steve. I hate Steve so much that I bowed never to use an Apple again.

SHIZL 11-07-2008 05:04 AM

i wish i didnt have a life so i could learn how to use linux/unix os

silentm 11-07-2008 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by SHIZL (Post 858111)
what kind of video card do u have or monitor size and what kind of avi's r u trying to run (HD). i have that problem with some 1080 movies cause my laptop runs a video accelarator and the 1080 uses up too much of my ram and causes the video to pixalate (crash)

the picture i posted was just a regular DVD and not HD, i just have the vid running on full screen res and took the image then.

my video card driver is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450. i am running directx 10, the screen res is 1280*800.

when i got the laptop naturally everything was pretty much ok but vista kept having weird glitches and i got myself a trojan so i formatted my HDD before more damage would be done.

well like i said the vids run fine but they are just pixelated. i will try getting the latest video card driver and hope that will solve the problem.


ok i got the solution, it was VLCs fault. i had to set the Vide output to DirectX and everything is fine again.

thanks for the input everyone :)

philip 11-07-2008 07:08 PM

Target now has these small laptop computers for 289 dollars. They have no hard drive just 8 gigs of silicone memeory built in and a couple of usb ports for more memory.

They come with linux and open office.

This maybe the end of Bill, I don't know about Steve, as I like his phone.

I saw a gas station offering regular at $1.91.

A little late to save GM and Hummer probably.

Was gas that cheap a year ago? Go figure.

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