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SFDMALEX 04-17-2006 09:04 PM

How much do you love music?
Well personaly music is a huge part of my life.

I dont believe there is ever silence in the house. I'm always playing something...Usualy I have my different periods....I'd be listening to Radio Head for a week.....then I pop on some Miles Davis for a change......Then its a month of funk with Parliament Funkadelic followed by long long RHCP sessions....

Picked up a guitar 2 years ago since I just couldnt sit here and listen, I wanted to play badly....I got my self a little keyboard and some studio software and Im usualy messing about with a lot of ideas, but I have never had the time to lock my self in the room and do a little recording session of a full song...(instrumental).

Now I want to buy a bass :D

I know some people dont care much for music and I dunno how that works.... :?

So what about you? You play an instrument? Your a casual music fan that just turns on MTV once in while? Or you carry your IPOD with you like a chick carries her lipstick?

Lets hear it :P

sameerrao 04-17-2006 09:15 PM

Listen to music quite a bit but not as much as some of you for sure. Music at the right volume helps me concentrate when I am working but for professional reasons, I almost never listen to it in these circumstances.

While driving, the music is always on unless I am trying deesperately to keep up with the madman RC when he is gunning the Z06 into the distance.

I listen to all kinds of music but some of the 70s-80s bands are my favorite - U2, Rush, Journey, Def Leppard and Pink Floyd to name a few.

I have never played an instrument nor have I sung under any circumstances (it would be too cruel to the listeners) :)

Garretts_turbo 04-17-2006 09:23 PM

i listen work when i can get away with it i bust the mp3 player out....
i play the bass. ive been playing since 6th grade, and now im 21, so yeah a long time hahaha

i'm into a lot of math metal (tool, meshuggah, dilinger escape plan) and electronic music (aphex twin, RJD2)

antonioledesma 04-17-2006 09:34 PM

used to be a music fan-boy, then fanatic. Tried to learn guitar, bass and/or drums. But my very limited skills and virtually no patience made me quit, also because my dad sold the drum set.

right now I'm in my "all new music sucks" period. So I'm listening to old bands, records, mostly heavy metal, death, speed, thrash and some music in spanish.

so I'm in a gray period in new discoveries or groups in music

SFDMALEX 04-17-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by antonioledesma
right now I'm in my "all new music sucks" period.

Same here.

The only new record that I can say is great, and no not because the band is my favorite is Depeche Mode's new Playing the Angel album. It's just a real good brake from all the shit stuff today.

And the upcoming RHCP album is gonna be great aswel :)

But yeah, its sad when you get one good album a year.....or at least thats the trend....

I'm talking about rock though......not sure how the Metal and Pop scenes are...

And Punk is in a real shitty place...all this pop-punk stuff is just blasphemy... :(

Actually all this shit made me pull out my Fugazi CD's....:)

antonioledesma 04-17-2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by SFDMALEX

Originally Posted by antonioledesma
right now I'm in my "all new music sucks" period.

Same here.

The only new record that I can say is great, and no not because the band is my favorite is Depeche Mode's new Playing the Angel album. It's just a real good brake from all the shit stuff today.

And the upcoming RHCP album is gonna be great aswel :)

But yeah, its sad when you get one good album a year.....or at least thats the trend....

I'm talking about rock though......not sure how the Metal and Pop scenes are...

And Punk is in a real shitty place...all this pop-punk stuff is just blasphemy... :(

Actually all this shit made me pull out my Fugazi CD's....:)

at last someone that can say that.
Right now that I have a car stereo (didn't have, was stolen :? ) I try to listen to the only rock station here in mexico. And of course I always end putting any of my very old cd's :|

ZfrkS62 04-17-2006 10:32 PM

I'm in that gray area as well where i want to find some newer shit to expand my collection. Death/Black Metal is pulling me at the moment as i found out how amazing Cradle of Filth is. Next paycheck i might go get Dimmu Borgir. I've also been meaning to get the Eyes of Fire cd, i've had the Disintegrate EP since i think 03. 3 songs that kick ass.

as the rest of you know, the radio blows monkey nuts and is absolutely useless.

In my car though is Rammstein, Metallica, CoF, CKy, Godsmack and HIM. I'm anxiously awaiting the 25th so i can grab IV, the new Godsmack album :D

Music has been huge in my life, though ever since moving from Washington, i really haven't been as into it as i used to. Maybe it's because i've grown up and realized how formulaic 99% of bands are anymore. But as of the last month or so it's because the cd player i got when i was in high school has stopped reading cds :? I haven't even really played around with my bass or guitar all that much anymore.

Green Day got me out of the horrible, horrible phase i was in before 5th grade (yes, i listened to country, but just because it was all either of my parents listened to :roll: :( ) but i've matured musically quite a bit. Now my musical taste revolves more or less around Metal. Rock in general though has always kept me going.

Zot09 04-17-2006 10:41 PM

Ever since I can remember, music has been a big part of my life. I played the Piano for about 12 years(which I regret quiting, even though my mom told me to continue it). I then played the Clarinet and Violin for a year each. I then started playing the guitar last year, but haven't had much time to play because I went off to college. If i'm home I will play music on my sound system or on my computer. If i'm out walking somewhere, i'm listening to my iPod(speaking about iPod, my iPod's screen somehow broke today so now I have to go buy my 5th iPod :( ). If I am about to fall asleep in lecture, I listen to my iPod again. If i'm driving I either listen to the radio, a CD, or I connect my iPod to my aux input. It would be a really odd day if I haven't listened to music all day. Some of my favorite "old" bands would have to be Nirvana, RHCP and The Offspring. Some of the newer bands I really like as well are Thrice and Avenged Sevenfold.

Toronto 04-18-2006 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by everso
music. tis my life...always has been. got over 2000 records in my record collection and growing by the week.....oh and my band taking off these days.....really exciting stuff.

2000, pfftssssss.... i past that when i was like 17-18, right now i have a room in my friends house just full of records, and keep 8 crates @ my house that i listen to.
i could prob sell em all and buy a 911 :P

Fleischmann 04-18-2006 02:29 AM

I love the guitar...both electrical and classical. My favourite genre is thrash metal, I'm crqazy about Slayer. I've never tried playing the guitar. Though I'd really like to my current budget doesn't allow me to purchase even the simplest of instruments.

ARMAN 04-18-2006 06:35 AM

Never played any instrument, tryed to learn on guitar... for 2 days and than couldnt feel my fingers :mrgreen:

Winamp works everytime PC is running, when i car player if turned on with radio or some tape.
Judas Priest, The Cure, Tatu(:mrgreen:), NeedForSpeed soundrtacks, Megadeth, old Metallica, Tom Jones, Depeche Mode, Missy Eliott are the ones that I prefer to listen in winamp from all the bands I have.

Havent listened good any of new albums for about 3-5 years or when heard never listened again :|

dutchmasterflex 04-18-2006 10:12 AM

I love music. Always have. My Dad and my Cousin (DJ P-Love) are my biggest influences. From growing up listening to the Beatles, to spinning Tribe Called Quest records on my 1200's.

What I really love to do is play music for people. (probably why I have 2 turntables and call myself a DJ)

I love making people happy, and one of the best ways is by playing music. Its a great feeling to give off good energy to a group of people.

mk2 fan 04-18-2006 10:19 AM

I cant do without my music, got 25Gigs downloaded

favourite bands are

chilli peppers
led zepp
pink floys
mars volta
maximo park

cant get enough of it

graywolf624 04-18-2006 05:59 PM

I dont know a day without music. At the moment Im always listening to my portable satalite radio (80s and 90s metal primarily) (for those outside the states lookup sirius satalite radio.. Its like a cable version of the radio with 180 channels.). In terms of instruments.. well lets see.

I sang for 2 years, Played trumpet for 9 years, played violin for 1 year, started playing guitar(slow going since Im always busy) a year and a half ago...

gucom 04-18-2006 06:06 PM

music means a LOT to me...i played flute or whatever its called (simple, straightforward wooden whistle flute kinda thingy with ¿8? holes in it to put your fingers on, called blokfluit in dutch) for 5 years when i was a kid, played guitar for about half a year then i entered college and got way too busy, also because of sports.

RHCP are by far my favourite band, others are led zeppelin, oasis, guns n roses, queen and some more...

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