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10000rpmlover 10-16-2008 10:55 AM

I'd like to do some "honor killing" of my own on this bastage
:thumbdown: I am all for racial unity and religion freedom of worship, however there are a few things I cannot stand for, no matter what, rape... I would kill a rapist, no kidding, especially if the victim was a child, another thing is, killing a girl because your warped religious cult says so....



Almost a year after two teenage girls were found dead — allegedly executed by their father — in the back seat of a taxicab in Texas, the FBI is saying for the first time that the case may have been an "honor killing."
Sarah Said, 17, and her sister Amina, 18, were killed on New Year's Day, but for nine months authorities deflected questions about whether their father — the prime suspect and the subject of a nationwide manhunt — may have targeted them because of a perceived slight upon his honor
The girls' great-aunt, Gail Gartrell, says the girls' Egyptian-born father killed them both because he felt they disgraced the family by dating non-Muslims and acting too Western, and she called the girls' murders an honor killing from the start, (the girls called 911 as the father pointed a gun and fired on the younger sister, fumbling a bit with the weapon he then shot the oldest who was on the phone with emergency operators at the time, crying she told them what had just transpired while they stood on the line in horror hearing the teenage girl plead for her life and then gasp as bullets ripped through her body. - fox news)
But the FBI held off on calling it an honor killing until just recently, when it made Yaser Abdel Said the "featured fugitive" on its Web site.
"That's what I've been trying to tell everybody all along," Gartrell told "I would say that's a victory."
But some Muslims say that calling the case an honor killing goes too far.
these are the girls... beautiful teenagers that this bastard did not deserve
having teenage girls myself, about their same age, I felt a sadness in my heart today as I read this, in no way is this ok, no matter what jacked up thing you believe in, you do not kill your kids, it is a good thing I am not an FBI agent, for this guy will face some fate worst than death if I was assigned the case and got to find him, here is my reasons for believing in the death penalty, guys like this should not be allowed to breathe the same air we all do, can you believe they got to call 911 during their own murder? oh please find this guy and make him pay, and pay dearly

silentm 10-16-2008 05:52 PM

Umm this sort of thing, has happened here in germany a couple of times already. and it's always the same religious groups.

what happned was a girl who grew up in germany does not agree with her parents who set up a marriage for her with some random turkish guy back in her home country who she has no idea of. her father then sent out his son to kill her.

apparently there are quite a few women like that in germany trying to hide from their parents wrath.

this is really sad and brakes the universal human rights in so many ways it's sickening :(

Mattk 10-18-2008 01:15 AM

I read about this when it happened. I'm not surprised, to be honest. For a lot of cultures, this is the way they operate. Unfortunately, these cultures choose to bring their ways to Western nations, where they are absolutely unacceptable. Killing people is never the right thing to do.

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