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ZfrkS62 05-07-2005 02:51 PM

Poolhall Junkies (movie)
Last night i saw one of the funniest movies i've seen in a long time. Poolhall Junkies is an odd cross between Fight Club, The Hustler (old movie with Jackie Gleason as Minnesota Fats) and Gone in 60 Seconds.

Not exactly an all-star cast, though it does have one of my favorite nut-job actors, Christopher Walken. Although he doesn't play a psycho in this movie, just a rich retired lawyer backing the main character as he hustles his way to his little brother's bail money.

If you don't like playing pool then you probably won't be too impressed by this movie. Or maybe you will depending on how much you like trick shots, and sneaky tactics.

I can't rememeber the characters names since i was a bit drunk last night when i saw the movie, but i can remember some hilarious exchanges, like
the main character not understanding the difference between being someone's nigga and being a nigger :lol:

It's definetly worth checking out :D

Toronto 05-07-2005 07:09 PM

ya this movie is deff. a good watch. hay christopher walken is good in every movie he is in I love the guy :D

ZfrkS62 05-07-2005 07:38 PM

he definetly has a unique style. wether he's being serious or funny, he doesn't have to change much about the way he delivers his lines. I can't think of a bad movie he's made.

TeflonTron 05-07-2005 07:42 PM

"What's the matter, Mr Backer Man? Your clothes getting a little mashed?"

ZfrkS62 05-07-2005 07:58 PM

"What's the matter? Did i stutter? A few seconds ago it was a fucking poolhall in here. Now it's a fucking church!"

TeflonTron 05-07-2005 08:12 PM

"What you got Joe? All in?"
"What? What kind of a fucking question is that?"
"I'm A MILLIONAIRE!! To me it doesn't matter: I lose 80, I'll get another 80. I think it's you who's sweating!"

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