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HeilSvenska 11-21-2008 11:50 AM

CERN guys have fun while Large Hadron Collider is being fixed



Crowbar, headcrab, and Half-Life strategy guide shipped to CERN
September 09, 2008

While you've been busy trying to win $7500 in prizes, we here at reddit hq have been saving the world.

Well, that's not very fair; the idea to send CERN this crowbar wrecking bar came from you in the reddit community who voted up Mad_Gouki suggestion. We just understood the great importance of this mission.

And we weren't alone, along with support from all over the Internet, the good folks at Fark not only supported our cause, but sent us a Half Life strategy guide for the physicists at CERN to follow. One very, very quiet physicist in particular, actually.

After the initial order, a dandy paint job, we're ready to ship! Here are the photos from our office to prove it. We've been in touch with an intrepid physicist at the lab who goes by Alpinekat and will not stand idly by while Earth is conquered.

She may also take photos/video for us. Here are some shots from the reddit hq prior to shipping. Don't worry, we included a note: "Get this to Gordon Freeman. He'll know what to do."


the crowbar arrived at CERN, Freeman received it, world saved
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gaming.reddit, Fark, and a few physicists keep humanity safe for a little longer.

As scientists at CERN prepared to turn on the LHC for the first time, the gaming reddit community realized the significance of this historic scientific event: a resonance cascade and dimensional tear, followed by alien invasion.

One of our quick-thinking redditors suggested a plan to save mankind. We'd send CERN a crowbar. Just to be safe, we made it a wrecking bar, threw in a headcrab hat (for training purposes) and Fark donated a Half-life strategy guide to the cause.

Additionally, we found a physicist there who understood the magnitude of this project -- she's also responsible for the Large Hadron Rap, a subversive way for young people to learn about particle physics without knowing it.

She goes by Alpinekat and even tracked down Gordon to deliver the wrecking bar.

With the fate of the world in good hands (read: hands wielding a wrecking bar) we've got a slew of photos and videos that we'd like to see you get creative with. Our pals at Destructoid are concurrently announcing this great success -- let's honor it with some video-editing, YTMNDs, and photoshops.

Take a gander at all the photos. We're just showing you a couple so you're not overwhelmed with awesomeness.

philip 11-21-2008 06:28 PM

Fark is great, what imagination. Thanks for sharing it. What is a head crab hat, is this a new trend I totally missed?

04RCSTI 11-21-2008 06:50 PM

half life baby.

philip 11-22-2008 02:02 PM

Lisa Randall

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