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loliea 10-02-2009 01:52 AM

Who do you think is the best choice as new FIA President?
I would personally go for 1)

RC45 10-02-2009 12:06 PM

Jean Todd is far too close to any single manufacturer **coughcorruptioncough** and should be an immidiate disqualify to the list.

The FIA needs a clean sweep and a norther European might be the ticket to clean up that corrupt inept association once and for all.

nthfinity 10-02-2009 12:37 PM

Jean Todd, or Jean Toldt? I don't know who the first is, but Toldt; Ferrari would never let him become FIA president after what he did to them... (don't ask, as I don't perfectly recall... i'm sure google will be your friend)

pagani 10-02-2009 01:24 PM

Ari Vatanen would be perfect i think the fia needs a real gearhead as president.
Not some coperated boy.

HeilSvenska 10-02-2009 01:50 PM

I am.

Juho 10-02-2009 05:40 PM

Ari, but I'm Finnish so I might be slightly biased (but for good reasons :p).

loliea 10-02-2009 06:46 PM


Ari Vatanen on Friday took issue with incumbent Max Mosley's claim that he will "lose badly" the FIA presidential election later this month.
Mosley, who has been FIA president since 1993 but wants former Ferrari boss Jean Todt to now succeed him, had hit out at Finn Vatanen's stance about the corruptness of the current regime in a leaked letter.
But Vatanen, the 1981 world rally champion and European parliamentarian, believes the existing regime is actually on the wrong end of a changing tide.
"It happens in smaller elections too and this is a Barack Obama thing happening: we believe we have more than half of the votes already and there is a tendency the tide has turned," Vatanen, 57, told the Guardian newspaper.
The latest events have their origin at the Amman Extraordinary Motoring Conference in Jordan, where the opposition to Mosley and Todt, and the support for Vatanen, was stark.
Outraged at the insulting tone of Mosley's letter to a member of the Jordan royal family, it is said that most of the Arabic motoring officialdom now stridently back Vatanen.
A resolution at the conference, reportedly snubbed by Mosley due to Vatanen's attendance, calls for an independent body to oversee the FIA election on October 23.
"In the interests of democracy, transparency and integrity, we must be sure that this election is held in a fair and open environment through a secret ballot and under close third party supervision," Jordan's Prince Faisal said in a statement.
In another statement issued late on Friday, the FIA said both Vatanen and Todt can each nominate election scrutineers, with the entire process "overseen, as usual, by a huissier de justice (a French state-appointed public witness)".
The Ugandan motor racing official Jack Wavamunno, meanwhile, claims he was "pressurised" through the means of "threats" by Todt supporters to drop his support for Vatanen.
This is plain ugly...:thumbdown:

nb: it was Todt, not Todd sorry for the typo (not the first, not the last...) - duh

RC45 10-02-2009 09:15 PM

Sorry - the FIA just lost ALL credibility... "the Ugandan motor racing official Jack Wavamunno"?? WTF?

People can barley feed themselves in corrupt and brutal Uganda... motor racing should not exactly be any sort of priority in a place where the government has systematically and brutally butchered people for decades.

pagani 10-03-2009 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by RC45 (Post 870815)
Sorry - the FIA just lost ALL credibility... "the Ugandan motor racing official Jack Wavamunno"?? WTF?

People can barley feed themselves in corrupt and brutal Uganda... motor racing should not exactly be any sort of priority in a place where the government has systematically and brutally butchered people for decades.

In guess we will have a new race class it's callled ak47 butcher racing f1 they f1 cars will be armed whit ak47's now
Now on a more serious side i think this a very bad choice.

marcefer 10-04-2009 11:12 PM

Another frenchman just reminds me of the overly politized era of Jean Marie Balestre and all the Senna-Prost issues. I'd go for Vatanen.

loliea 10-05-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by marcefer (Post 870857)
Another frenchman just reminds me of the overly politized era of Jean Marie Balestre and all the Senna-Prost issues. I'd go for Vatanen.

That's a scary reminder :crying:... I hated s much this guy that I erased him from my memory.

Lambofighter 10-09-2009 01:37 PM

Ari Gold)))))

zeus_2011 10-10-2009 02:15 PM

Isn't Todt Massa's manager or something, (or is it his son that manages the brazilian?!) JUst that connection, not to mention all those years at ferrari should rule him out even as a candidate....I wonder if he likes to be whipped like mosley too!

I think Ari!

As for Ugandan racing officials, no offence but what motor sport does anyone from/in Uganda participate in?:?:

And why are there only two candidates? Theres surely more likely candidates out there....Jackie Stewart, Moss etc etc!

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