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Erez 10-03-2005 12:41 PM

PC Cooling
i'll start with this.. i know Nothing about PC cooling..
and now this is a reall issue for me.. as you know its not very cold over here.. and my prescott works now with nothing on at about 65C!! and my 9600XT (yeah still.. i need a X850XT AGP shipped from the US or something.. :? ) gets hooot too.. so hot that sometimes my screen gets like turned off while im gaming and when it turns on again i see nothing but black.. :? as for the CPU some times my OC will restart itself!

not i looked over some water cooling.. but i have NO idea how it works so i dont know what parts i need and what means what..
i would appreciate any info on what i need.. how much should it cost.. anything.. past experience tells too :) and what to stay away from.. (is there other solutions then water cooling? any good? )

Thanks a million!!

Jabba 10-03-2005 01:21 PM

A crude but only temp setup that got me over 4 ghz from a prescott 3.2.

Cheap pastic bucket full of water, pump, tubing and water more than £50.

Erez 10-03-2005 04:37 PM

thanks for the info! and i'm talking about the those tmp without any OCing!! :shock: (i need new silver thingy between the CPU and the heatsink.. is it also needed with the water cooling setup?)

and are pump, tubing and water block all i need to get this up and running? cause on some site i saw some fans.. and a radiator and it all started to look much more complicated.. and i couldn't find a page that says how to water cooling works..

and thanks again!

Jabba 10-03-2005 04:47 PM

Yep the stuff that goes in between the cpu and heatsink is to aid the transfer of heat to the waterblock (it fills in the air gap) I presume you mean artic silver and its pretty good stuff.

You will need to put a radiator which has a fan on it in the loop unless you are going to use a lot of water and have that positioned outside in a cold climate or something..which I guess is not an option for you...

The radiator and fan isn't complicated it just sits in between the pump and waterblock and cools that water as it passes through it...exactly the same way as a radiator cools a car.

Erez 10-03-2005 06:41 PM

:lol: cold climate is not an option for me.. thats for sure..

no i checked some prices over here (yep damn taxes again..) and lets see-
artic silver 5 12g - £12.38
Thermaltake CL-W0005 BIG WATER (from what i got its not what you would call good) - £61.92

so i've been reading alot now about water cooling and build ups and what not..
and the good parts like Swiftech Storm, Thermochill PA160 and AQX 50z pump dont come cheap! so i dont want to build something over the top as that, that would cost me too much with no need.. i need something not crappy.. that will work.. good..

any ideas of what temps should i expect? any parts recommendations?

BTW- :shock: HOLY CRAP @ your setup! amazing!

Jabba 10-03-2005 06:50 PM

These are good little pumps

and the rad to go with it

The prices you have to pay sure do suck though.

I was seeing around the 40's mark with my prescott at full load...

btw have gone back to phase cooling now (-20 full load)...just finished the re-build in fact.

Erez 10-03-2005 06:53 PM

:) nice work!
why dont you stick with the phase cooling?

Jabba 10-03-2005 06:58 PM

I had problems with it anything that is -25 can lead to condensation issues...and this indeed did happen..and destroyed just under a £1,000 worth of video a p4 3.2 and 3.4 northwood.

Since those days the clamshell (heat sink if you like) has been greatly improved due to these problems and with some other mods I am now confident to try it again...if things carry on the way they are now...then I will be sticking with it... yes...

Erez 10-03-2005 07:09 PM

you had warranty right?
a.. and as usual.. no site is shipping over here.. and we dont have a dealer.. so it would be hard to find.. :?

i think i'll have to arrange a big shipping from abroad somehow, i was sure only the X850XT would be a prob.. (they want £495.96 for it!!)

as soon as the hollyday ends i'll go check some store.. hope i could find something.. (i'll get the artic silver for sure cause its not that bad and i need it ASAP!)

thanks for all the help jabba! hope i'll find a way to get what i need!
and good luck with the phase cooling! hope it will work without a prob this time!

Jabba 10-03-2005 07:13 PM

nope no warranty on these sort of things sadly...I just had to swallow it and put it down to a painful experience I am afraid :|

I am sure you would be at least able to find a pump...try aquatic stores and also for the tubing..thats where I got my eheim pump from...

Erez 10-03-2005 07:22 PM

:? very unpleasant...

did the pump and whole water cooling worked fine for you? cause people said a pump should be of certain specs ( i dont remember at the moment..) and that a good water block is very importent (i'm sure i could find blocks.. just dont know what would be a bad one..) and a rad would be tricky too..

Jabba 10-03-2005 07:27 PM

I went for the low volume ones (700 lhr)..less heat, less pressure (no leaks on your connections) and gives the water a better chance of cooling down as it slowly passes through the radiator..also near silent operation.

I think it depends on what performance you are looking for...getting the right block will be more critical when you are seeking the big overclocks.

Yes they are a lot of fun and didn't have many major problems..and very quiet as well.

Jabba 10-03-2005 07:30 PM

Water Cooled thread btw

Erez 10-03-2005 07:35 PM

great info about the pump! now the only prob is a rad.. what did you use?
and i found these blocks for sale here- Zalman ZM-WB2 and ZALMAN ZM-GWB2 both for about £34.60 are they any good?

Jabba 10-03-2005 07:41 PM

I havent heard any bad things about them...but if I was going to do it again I would love to see what this is like

These are the rads I used :

Have you thought about getting some stuff off e-bay ?

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