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Jabba 04-16-2004 08:19 AM

He says that JW is a selfish boys club where you have to make stupid posts in a gay secret society to be able to download our videos (which are all crap anyway).

Yet the little prick keeps coming back and back and back....(last time as aggrivated man)

This is of course the best form of flattery as its obvious that hes just pissed off that he cant find anywhere else quite like JW.

Anyway here is his email to me and it appears that he is in the downloaders club or someone is passing downloading links to him....if anyone notices the behaviour of a general idiot then its bound to be him...hes not to smart either (he has a learning difficulty) so it shouldnt take long to hunt him down hopefully.

TT 04-16-2004 08:23 AM

LOL at him... as always... indeed I have no idea why he has to keep talking about JW if he doesn't like it.. usually when I find a new home I just enjoy it and forget about other places I don't like anymore :roll:

stradale 04-16-2004 08:47 AM

What a pathetic little fucker!

Oh well, he's the sort of guy that has a built-in self destruction device. He can talk bad about us all he wants on other forums, but some day at these forums the same level of annoyance is reached and he'll get kicked out of there as well.

gis 04-16-2004 09:05 AM

man this guy is pissing me off.i had a run in with him a few weeks back and indeed it seems liek sum1 is passing him videos or he himself is in the club

SPEEDKILLAR 04-16-2004 09:12 AM

Blablalabalabala I hate JW blbalablabalab Its stupid blablabla.

Man what a stupid fuck, that shows he has no place in society, so he searches for a place on the internet.
If you're reading this, GET A LIFE :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Kangaroo Boy 04-16-2004 09:44 AM

How come he has problem with JW?What is his problem?

stradale 04-16-2004 10:09 AM

You'd understand if you would see what he sees in the mirror every morning...

SPEEDKILLAR 04-16-2004 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by stradale
You'd understand if you would see what he sees in the mirror every morning...

And he askes himself, is this my face or my arse...

stradale 04-16-2004 10:14 AM

And he still can't figure it out, cause there's too little difference in the sounds that come out of his mouth and his asscrack...

SPEEDKILLAR 04-16-2004 10:17 AM

^^^^^^HAhahahahahaha, you crack me up stradale :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think the sounds from his asscrack are more intelligent then the sounds out of his mouth.

stradale 04-16-2004 10:23 AM

His posts prove it indeed.

Well guys, I think we could all go on and on like this. Why don't we save ourselves the trouble and let people post here that don't think justin syder is an ass. I'm not hoping for too many responses here...

I'll be checking in after the weekend, because the sun is shining and I'm off for the weekend! See you guys later!

Jabba 04-16-2004 10:26 AM

Have a great weekend stradale :wink:

DeMoN 04-16-2004 10:36 AM

That is one twisted retarded bastard. Those forums give the 5th gear vids out in torrents so its no use comparing their service to direct download ones. What an ass.

btw, whats up with the email? What was the image link all about Jabba?

(oh and BTW note how retard he is thinking that using [img] tags on email will show the image along with his mail LOL at that one)

TT 04-16-2004 10:37 AM

novass 04-16-2004 10:45 AM

What a little prick. Ive never heard someone whine so damn much. Maybe he has split personalities cause it seemed like some days he wouldnt be so bad and then others he would bitch and scream at trivial shit.

I like that he says he was banned because he was very vocal about our so called boys club. The fucking dipshit thinks he was doing the world a favor by showing it the truth behind JW LMAO And wtf is up with the sunday bloody sunday thing? Does he really think all his bitching made such a tremendous impact on us all? Man does this kid have his head up his ass.

And what exactly is so bad about writing a review? I dont even consider is a review. Its more or less my thoughts/opinions on what I saw. Only an idiot can spend 20-30 minutes watching something and not take anything from it. Very odd considering he liked to run his mouth all the damn time anyway, yet could offer no helpful insight in the slightest sense of the word.

Justin Syder, the great whistle blower LMAO. What a fuckin tool.

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