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No.1 03-12-2006 12:24 PM

Dedicated photography communities
Well, as the topic title suggests, i'm looking for links to other forums where discussion of photography and technique is the focus.

I'm sure many of you are members of forums in which you may discuss the photography that you do.

This isn't for me, but for a friend - they are new to photography as a hobby and would appreciate somewhere to discuss thier work/queries etc.

TIA guys 8)

Darkel 03-12-2006 01:58 PM

If you're friend is really a beginner, may I suggest him to look for more general forums like JW with a photography section, those barbarian talks about CA, apertures, RAW format you can see on many dedicated forums could be disturbing at first.

If the person already knows the basics, Dpreview's forum could be the place to be, although it's mostly frequented by professionals and "amateurs" who tend to take some amazing pictures I'm sure basic questions will also be answered.
There are many subforums where you can discuss about everything, from lighting and retouching to lenses, sony cameras, nikon, canon etc.

It's just a bit old-fashionned so browsing could be difficult at first
No index either ...

I'm also used to reading photozone's board but it's quite a little one and the discussions are limited to recent lens tests and so on, I guess that's not what you're looking for :bah:

skituner 03-19-2006 12:34 AM

i belong to i really like it. the forum is pretty good the best thing about it is just to see other peoples work and you can talk to them about it. another great feature is that you can search by camera, or lenes which is really helpful when deiciding what to buy.

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