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cho_888 12-16-2003 10:19 PM

i am now driving! i just to the manuel civic for a trip tp the supermarket.

gis 12-16-2003 10:52 PM

congrats dude..........civic,i want to hear you say s2000,lol

Supernintendo Chalme 12-16-2003 11:22 PM

Congratulations! I often wish I could forget what I know about driving and learn all over again. It was so exciting for those first few months, I'd love to experience all those firsts again.

kramerman 12-16-2003 11:44 PM

Exciting but scary... I'm sure everyone remembers the first few "OH SHIT THAT WAS CLOSE!" times... heh

sikx5 12-17-2003 12:33 AM

are you learners dude? or did you get the license? i got like 4 months till i can go for my license :cry:

oscargarza88 12-17-2003 12:38 AM

hey that cool, and its even better uf u learn in a maual, ive been driving since april and i havent had those moments like those that supernintendo said, :?

aawil 12-17-2003 01:00 AM

Congrats.Be careful. :)

oscargarza88 12-17-2003 01:28 AM

yea i forgot! be careful real careful, specially in the rain because ur gonna want to drift or use tha handbrake and that causes lots lots of accidents, even at low speeds.

altezza 12-17-2003 01:31 AM

Congratulations! enjoy driving~ (and drive with care as well) 8)

cho_888 12-17-2003 01:51 AM

i'm on my learners, and i have driven the land cruiser and the civic. i am waiting for my dad to get home so i can take the S2000 out. yeah the manuel is a lot to think about at first but i am getting teh hang of it.

cho_888 12-17-2003 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by oscargarza88
yea i forgot! be careful real careful, specially in the rain because ur gonna want to drift or use tha handbrake and that causes lots lots of accidents, even at low speeds.

lol you think? i am going to need so new tyres

Fluxlo 12-17-2003 02:51 AM

good to learn driving stick early in a beater car, so when you have the chance to drive a nice car you know the basics. I had my first experiences driving 99 gts down my cousin's street when i was almost cousin never let me sit in the driver's seat for the rest of the summer :( (moral lesson, don't introduce manual transmissions to people without liceneses in a viper). I still think it was cool that he let me try at least :D I Must have caught the car bug around then :wink:

1zippo1 12-17-2003 09:09 AM

My sister who is 19 years old (and 80% of the time a complete pain in the ass) has to learn to drive and since my mother & father don't want or can't teach her, I have to... My mother panics all the time and can't explain how to drive because she's just can't because she's to nervous. My dad & my sister are both... let's say easily get angry and they would just start shouting at each other in 5 minutes. So that leaves me... and the problem is that I fear my sister just won't accept my authority, because she never does, even not about things she doesn't know shit about... a smart ass, or how do you call someone like that in english?

Her exams will be done in a week and I hope everything will go well but I fear it won't... I'm going to try and make it clear to her that she has to listen to me if she wants to drive and not start to discuss everything I say and do like she knows it better... and she can get quite angry for allmost nothing ...

Had to get this off my chest :wink:

stradale 12-17-2003 11:56 AM

Hehehe, I know what you're talking about, zippo! My sister is two years younger than me and her puberty lasted from about her 12th to at least her 18th. Impossible to handle and wouldn't believe a single word I'd say for the sole reason of it being me who said it. She has grown up a lot since, so there's hope she will come around. Hang on in there, make her pass her test and never - I repeat - NEVER let her drive your car...

oscargarza88 12-17-2003 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by cho_888

Originally Posted by oscargarza88
yea i forgot! be careful real careful, specially in the rain because ur gonna want to drift or use tha handbrake and that causes lots lots of accidents, even at low speeds.

lol you think? i am going to need so new tyres

well it depends, how the civic is not rwd u wont have so many problems about drifting, so u dont have to have real good tyres if u just keep ur distance, now in the s2000 its a difernet story, how its rwd u really have to have good tyres if not ur going to have real problems in the wet, specially if ur learning, i tell u from experience, my z has very old tyres, they even have cracks so wehn its dry its cool because y can drift real easy but when its wet, i have to drive SUPER slow, because if i rev it over 2 k rpms the wheels start spinning, it sound fun but not when u have cars all around u, its scary, also when have 2 brake hard, it feels as if the car never stops.
now i really dont think the civic NEEDS new tires but if u have new ones well better.

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