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Max Power 12-13-2006 01:19 PM

Canada is a rip off
Everything u buy here will cost 2x the amount you could get in the states, and even if u do manage to find something in the US that they'll ship here, the import tax will kill any profit u think u may have made...

for instance I was going to order a sway bar from where it would cost 69.15 US, compared to 180.57 CAD from a dealer here...but they don't ship to I'l have to buy it for almost 3x the cost....

or I bought a plasma from the states...1600 compared to 3200 here...same tv, warranty and I got a free stand with it...

but I paid 600 import tax...

This country is based around ripping u off...lets face it US>Canada :(

Stoopie 12-13-2006 01:23 PM

Yeah but I learnt that already by watching South Park

Max Power 12-13-2006 01:32 PM

not to mention alchohol prices, car prices, golf course fees, hockey tickets, just some of the things that I've been getting ripped off for .... :|

ldin 12-13-2006 01:48 PM

blame canada?

Max Power 12-13-2006 02:06 PM

sure i will, because its the gov't that's protecting these assholes by setting the tarrifs so that u can't import u r forced to buy canadian...which is either shit or way overpriced

BADMIHAI 12-13-2006 02:13 PM

If you hate it so much, do something about it. Move to the States, if you think they have it so good. Buy your nice car and get jacked by some nigga who doesn't have money to eat because their welfare and healthcare is shit. Go ahead! Do it! Also, if you fuck up and lose your job, you're fucked there. Go ahead! Try it!

Max Power 12-13-2006 02:16 PM


i didn't use the word hate...and u r focusing only on steriotypical shit...


Originally Posted by Ronin005
well if you were in Montreal, I would buy it for you and bring it up when I visit there. which might be this coming new years or sometime in Jan!!

nah its cool, just venting

RC45 12-13-2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by BADMIHAI
If you hate it so much, do something about it. Move to the States, if you think they have it so good. Buy your nice car and get jacked by some nigga who doesn't have money to eat because their welfare and healthcare is shit. Go ahead! Do it! Also, if you fuck up and lose your job, you're fucked there. Go ahead! Try it!

Wow - you're back to angry bad I see... girlfriend on the rag again?

BADMIHAI 12-13-2006 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Max Power

i didn't use the word hate...and u r focusing only on steriotypical shit...

So are you, you illiterate fucktard. Those taxes go to keeping our streets clean, our schools free and our universities cheap. Did I mention they provide us all with free healthcare? How much would you have to pay/month in the States just to get medical insurance?

RC: I told you I have no problem with the rag. The rage comes from deep within my soul.

Max Power 12-13-2006 02:23 PM

:fist: suck cum

health insurance can be provided by your job

BADMIHAI 12-13-2006 02:24 PM

Suck American shit. :fist:

Max Power 12-13-2006 02:25 PM

gladly but i can't get it shipped here

BADMIHAI 12-13-2006 02:25 PM

Go down to Detroit and pick it up. Just make sure you don't get stabbed, white boy.

Max Power 12-13-2006 02:27 PM

i will, nigga

BADMIHAI 12-13-2006 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Max Power
:fist: suck cum

health insurance can be provided by your job

Then you better not lose that job.
There's pros and cons to having larger taxes. At least I can walk the streets without being afraid some fucktard crackhead will rob me.

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