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oscargarza88 05-16-2004 03:49 PM

My dads new Truck(HEMI) and other cars...(kinda BIG PICS)
hey, this is my dads new 2004 Dodge 1500 Ram with the Hemi.
he bought it for a resonable price, the only "bad" thing ill say it has is that its not black, cause i like it better in black, and he also put some accesories as u can see in the pics, the front crome grill. the bed liner(it need protection for my kart) :D , stepps and a crome thing by the door.
well i took very little pics of the truck cause i dont think alot of people r interested... so to keep u awake i also took some pics of my z and my dads clk.

back of truck:
20 inch wheels (they look awsome)
a bad shot of the front, u can see the grill and the stepps which i like the tube ones better and the crome thing by the door:
oh and just a little reminder of whats under the hood...(a bit dirty hehe)

some pics of my z and my dads mb since i dont think alot of u like trucks alot:

and btw does someone know a good company that sells stuff like headers, exause and stuf like that 4 the hemi?
oh and btw again here r some pics of the kart that will b on the new truck"
next there is a pic of the kart next to tha all new Barbie Beetle, dint b fooled by its looks, because its got an astonishing .001 hp at the wheels, it makes it the best power/weight in its class!, i still cant beat it with my kart but soon with some nitrous it will b a whole differtent story...:twisted: :twisted:
thers the kart hunting down the beetle..vamp: :vamp: :vamp: :vamp:
at last just another pic...

TT 05-16-2004 03:51 PM

Dude, zippyimages stopped working weeks ago... erase if from your favourites and use

TT 05-16-2004 04:18 PM

Thanks for editing! nice truck! Nice Z again and nice CLK too!

Anonymous 05-16-2004 04:28 PM

Man 20 inch wheels they're huge :shock: it still looks mean though i agree in black it may have looked even better though IMO it's always better to get something a bit diffrent to the norm in a car in order for it to stand out a bit! Oh and 5.7 litre how much petrol would that drink :lol: what a beast!!

Also i don't think i'd ever seen your car from the back i love the twin exhausts your very lucky to have such a cool fast car so young :D 8)

oscargarza88 05-16-2004 05:16 PM

there r more pics at if u want ot see them.

novass 05-17-2004 06:01 PM

This pic is funny as hell

Some nice cars there. That truck is a biggen lol and i want a kart like the one you got, ill bet that thing is damn fast.

oscargarza88 05-17-2004 07:25 PM

u bet it is!
maybe its not reall quick but it feels like 2 or 3 faster than wht its going! Its only like one inch from the ground!!!! and it corners like :twisted: !!
if u have the chance i highly recomend it!!

T-Bird 05-17-2004 08:29 PM

I think that Barbie beatle cabrio is PIMP! seriously! LOL :lol:

I agree that the Ram Looks best in Black still a very nice truck if only the Trannies didn't suck so much. he needs to drop the back an inch to make it more level, that would look really nice.
Doesn't really pertain to this specific truck but I'd rather be Strokin than Cummin Ford and Dodge guys should get that, I've heard it both ways.

sameerrao 05-17-2004 09:00 PM

Oscar, that looks like a shifter kart isn't it? Most of the Karts i have seen online have a single brake at the rear - you have three brakes. Interesting...

I would like to buy a Rotax Max one of these days. What's holding me back is that I live in an apartment w/o a garage - can't store a Kart or a trailer for it... Oh Well, i just have to be patient. For now, I will have rent one out at the track...

oscargarza88 05-17-2004 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
Oscar, that looks like a shifter kart isn't it? Most of the Karts i have seen online have a single brake at the rear - you have three brakes. Interesting...

I would like to buy a Rotax Max one of these days. What's holding me back is that I live in an apartment w/o a garage - can't store a Kart or a trailer for it... Oh Well, i just have to be patient. For now, I will have rent one out at the track...

well yes it is... its a 6 speed!!!
and yea its got a big brake on the back and 2 small in the front tires, that make it stop in a :shock: !, compared to the rotax it is much much diferent ill say, i drove a friends rotax and the first corner i almost spun out cause i braked "normal" and the back tires locked and kinda went sideways, where in mine when u brake this never happens cause if they lock the front brake tires make the car brake equally and not go sideways, and its incredible how it brakes!!
so this car is more like a "pro" cart, which people dont recomend u to lear in these, but im in it justg for the fun right now and boy is it fun...
and it felt like the rotax had more corner speed, but i bet its cause i dindt have it in gear, and in the straight i take it easy, but whatever way u go its great, and also the ones u rent mos of the time r "poc" karts, well at least it was like that in monterrey....

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