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nthfinity 05-12-2010 11:45 PM

a good friend passed away last night
I'm totally speechless, and can hardly believe it. I don't know what to say... don't know what happened...Just because on the outside, it appears you have everything...

He was one of the success stories out of a troubled youth, in a rough city, and a rough neighborhood. I can't believe he's gone.

Life is precious, but I feel not only have I lost a valued person, and feel emptier for it... but he was a truly gifted man who loved his family, his work, and friends. In this life, he helped more people than I could possibly imagine, and truly loved doing it every day.

mayer 05-13-2010 12:50 AM

Sorry to hear that dude, especially since the guy seems to be a talented and self-made man. From experience, only time will heal what you're feeling now, but what you're doing is good...simply venting and getting a little off your chest.

Life definitely is short. I try to remind myself everyday and enjoy the little things everyday.

Ghostbat 05-13-2010 02:57 AM

Sorry for your loss Nth. It's always very hard to lose a friend and in this case I get the feeling that it happend all of a sudden which makes it even worse and harder to handle in a way. My sincery condolences to you and his family. And remember that time actually heals..

pagani 05-13-2010 06:25 AM

Sad to hear this rip your friend

enzoferrari 05-13-2010 02:42 PM

I'm sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace and my condolences to you and his family.

nthfinity 05-13-2010 08:22 PM

Thanks guys...

I kept hoping through the night that somehow it wouldn't be real in the morning. I just don't know what his justification was... and something I'll likely never understand. How is it that none of us saw it coming? I'm going to the viewing tomorrow with a few mutual friends; I am going to bring a few photos I have of him doing some of the things he loved... perhaps on his more hedonistic side of his life, but how the three of us got to know him well.

I hope he has the peace he was looking for his last few days.

Minacious 05-14-2010 10:17 AM

The loss of a good friend is never a good thing.

RC45 05-14-2010 03:12 PM

Sorry to read this Isaac.

nthfinity 05-15-2010 12:23 AM

an autopsy was performed. Results wont be back for some time, but by the sound of it, he may have had cancer and didn't know it until it was too late. He was always a physical powerhouse, and may have been too proud to take the time to be diagnosed with anything.

In any case, he was extremely stressed with work... planning his retirement, selling one house, and moving into another; and was on quite a few pain meds the last few weeks. It doesn't make it less painful, but I'm no longer left wondering what drove him to act like he did the last two days of his life.

Rest in peace, my friend. Tomorrow we'll bury his body.

Strop 05-15-2010 12:21 PM

Sorry to hear that mate. Be strong.

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