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HeilSvenska 10-28-2008 05:54 PM

Too much free time XTREME Ed: JP person designs Mario stage that plays an 11 min song

With brain splattering vocals

Not only do the stages play the notes from a ridiculously long (and annoying) song, the gameplay is automatic. The guy only has to start the stage, and the game plays itself using the Mario game physics, playing the song by itself.

The Japanese make me sick.

79TA 10-28-2008 06:19 PM


I'll try not to think about how long that must have taken to create.

79TA 10-29-2008 01:26 AM

That video was made with no regard for koopa troopa life! :-)

Mattk 10-29-2008 09:07 AM

Could've picked a better song! Awful choice of music.

Apac102 10-29-2008 07:38 PM

Just think how many times he had to listen to this song to get it right. I bet that song is still suck in that poor mans head and is now stuck in his sperm and now his kids will have this song stuck in their heads until they die as well...fuck....thats gotta suck.

At least its not the "Who let the dogs out".

Mattk 10-29-2008 08:01 PM


i bet that song is still suck in that poor mans head and is now stuck in his sperm and now his kids will have this song stuck in their heads until they die as well

silentm 10-31-2008 04:03 PM

hehe the vid gets out of sync towards the end... i mean the first one (come on i thought it was funney) :P

i couldn't stand watching the 2nd one more than 20 seconds >_>

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