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666fast 06-11-2003 06:09 PM

Idiots on a test drive
Heh, I don't speak German, so I haven't got a clue as to what is going on,but that is part of what makes it so funny. <br />

I don't know why but it won't make it a link, just copy and paste it into your browser.

SplitVision8 06-11-2003 06:11 PM

1zippo1 06-11-2003 06:15 PM = belgian (be)

I'm going to watch it now

666fast 06-11-2003 06:16 PM

Wierd, you got it to work, but from what it looks like, you did exactly what I did. :?

SplitVision8 06-11-2003 06:17 PM

yeah, it's a little tricky...don't know why it didn't work when you did it

1zippo1 06-11-2003 06:21 PM

I told you they made weird car tests in Belgium. This is one again with a "celebrity". Does anyone know how I can download it? Tried WMRecoder 4.1. And I can't use streambox (is it hard?)

666fast 06-11-2003 06:23 PM

I don't know. I tried save target as and I thought it worked, but nope.

1zippo1 06-11-2003 06:29 PM

I will explain what's happening. The guy with the blond hare is the celebrity (wacko) and the other dude is the reviewer. In this movie they try to prove that the Smart is a good car. They say it has good off road capacities (driving in the field). You can use it instead of a tractor because it has huge loading capacities (the hay). So it's one of a kind!

That's basically it, but I must admit, that was funny :lol:

Most of the time the show is just boring.

Are there more streaming video's? because I couldn't find where you found this one.

666fast 06-11-2003 06:31 PM

I picked that one up from another forum I visit, so I don't know. Sorry!

1zippo1 06-11-2003 06:33 PM

found it :)

now just find a way to download them to my hd

1zippo1 06-11-2003 06:40 PM

Damn, can't find it. If someone does, plz let me know. I would like to show this to a couple of friends.

I'm off to bed. See you folks tomorrow

SilviaS15Cwest 06-11-2003 07:23 PM

That was half way funny half way just wierd... :| :?:

AlienDB7 06-11-2003 09:40 PM

Tried ASFRecorder and StreamboxVCR, not working. The direct link is mms:// in case anyone else want to try it.

If you guys really want to save it, I still have other ways to record it :)

Flawless 06-11-2003 10:07 PM

humor is so differnt from country to country. :?

Flawless 06-11-2003 10:07 PM

But I hear england's humor is COMPLETLY different.

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