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Jabba 10-11-2005 06:17 AM

We have been putting this announcement off for as long as possible but after last nights problems uploading 5th gear (we had to use Dans server in the end) finally the time has come.

Some of you may have already noticed site slow downs and server problems recently prior to the 5th gear problems last night so this will probably come as no surprise.

We currently operate on a 10 mbit server which was fine in the early days but with the ever growing amount of members who have high speed connections and all the new material being added daily it will be impossible to keep the site running smoothly without substantial hardware upgrades the very least being a 100 mbit connection.

Dan has been doing an AMAZING job getting every last drop out of our current server but is spending more and more time trying to juggle server resources to prevent the site from crashing or becoming so slow that it is virtually un-useable...few people realise how much TIME and WORK that guy puts into this site just to keep it online !! In addition to all the great features that he codes himself he also has an ongoing battle with a number of people that are attacking the site on a daily basis who are trying to bring the site down.

Sadly there is no easy upgrade option available to us and we will require a move to a completely new server. The cost and amount of work involved can only be described as a complete nightmare.

Sadly I cannot carry on privately funding JW at this level or expect Dan to carry on working day and night virtually for free.

We feel that advertising would ruin the site completely (we still seem to be the only ad free car forum on the net) and are not left with many other options...the best one so far being....voluntary donations.

This would help cover the running costs and smooth daily operation of the site as well as all the new and ongoing features and a lot more storage space so we can keep even more videos at a much higher quality online and available for an even quicker and trouble free download.

I hope when you decide whether you think this is the correct decision or even a fair one you will consider all the new features that have been added such as how quickly all the latest 5th gear videos were posted thanks to Dans custom upload system and the improved quality of the videos. This will also be the case for Top Gear next month and of course something called "heaven and hell".

I shall leave Dan to answer any technical questions you may have about the downtime and server move...but he will not be able to answer everything so as to protect the "magic" of JW.



dingo 10-11-2005 06:27 AM

How about just making a subscription fee? I know that would keep away some members, but maybe its for the best.

Maybe only members in the DL/UL club should pay, as they are the ones getting the biggest benefit. It would also not drive away new members as they could experience the site for free and once they discover how special it is they wouldn't think twice about paying.

Just a few quick random thoughts......but I would be happy to donate something if thats what it comes too. :D

Jabba 10-11-2005 06:30 AM

We have been testing that as an idea...but in general we prefer not to force people into doing something that they dont want to.

Jabba 10-11-2005 06:37 AM

We are also looking to provide small extras for the people who donate...maybe custom titles or an extra icon under their username. All ideas are welcome except for anal sex.

yg60m 10-11-2005 07:01 AM

I can easily imagine all the work Dan makes for the site, almost one new feature/improvement every week !! Without counting the number of links added, etc .. So an ENORMOUS THANKS for Dan, TT, FF and of course Jabba, it would be impossible to have such a nice site without all their contribution. :)

No matter the mean of contribution, donation or subs :wink:

dingo 10-11-2005 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba
....All ideas are welcome except for anal sex.

I'm out then....sorry guys. :P

stmoritzer 10-11-2005 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by yg60m
I can easily imagine all the work Dan makes for the site, almost one new feature/improvement every week !! Without counting the number of links added, etc .. So an ENORMOUS THANKS for Dan, TT, FF and of course Jabba, it would be impossible to have such a nice site without all their contribution. :)

No matter the mean of contribution, donation or subs :wink:

^ I second that!

So far, I didn't recognized the site beeing slow ...

Thanks a million for the effort you guys invest in this great forum.
I'll support the donation idea, if needed to keep the page alive.

Chingachgook 10-11-2005 07:29 AM

LOL no anal sex for me :lol: :lol:

BTW a BIG BIG thanks to Dan, FF, TT and of course Jabba. It's an incredible job, the site is superb, everyday updated, no problem and bugs at all.

For me it's ok free contributions or payment for the DL Members. I think you all deserve it :wink:

LAMBOR 10-11-2005 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba
We are also looking to provide small extras for the people who donate...maybe custom titles or an extra icon under their username. All ideas are welcome except for anal sex.

I surely agree with that :wink:

ARMAN 10-11-2005 08:32 AM

Yep, I would love to have JW gear :P You can buy them not that expensive from manufactures and print them. Ofcourse no cheap asian quality 8)

I am in for donation, will take a bit time for me but will pay no doubt here :P
I hope just people who wanna pay(non members) would not go automatically to DL area :? :wink:

Donations are excepted on daily basis on forums, theres nothng wrong with that I belive :)

Ofcourse you Jabba, Dan, TT and other mods that works on this site/mb thank you very much but it is just not enough as we all understand :wink: Web providers dont take "thank you" instead of paying bills.
Dan also deserves IMO monthly fee for his working day in night as we all see.

liveseytowers 10-11-2005 08:35 AM

Why not offer a premium member status where you get extra access? I go on corsasport (dont laugh, i have corsa and i know its shite) and they have a premium member server which is about £10 a year and you get a corsasport email address and an image hosting service.

The people that are premium members get the access to the vids etc then.

ARMAN 10-11-2005 08:41 AM

Maybe thread in membs area about costs and all that stuff would be great :)

ZfrkS62 10-11-2005 08:42 AM

well if i can remember my paypal username and password, i'll be glad to toss a couple bucks in.

As for the special custom titles and icons though, other than having the option of changing the Ferrari icons to something else, i'm not entirely sure. Seeing a big 'DONATING MEMBER' under user names on other forums is kind of a turn off for me. That and i wouldn't want to make other users who can't help out feel bad about it by knowing how many people have donated :bah: :hmm:

Cheers to Dan for busting his ass over this place for free and of course to Jabba for doing all he could to keep JW rent free up until now. I was wondering how long he could do it :D

gis 10-11-2005 08:47 AM

Donations or a subscription fee id be willing to guys have all done a great job keeping JW as it is to this day for count me in on whatever it is you decide to do. :D

gis 10-11-2005 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by liveseytowers
Why not offer a premium member status where you get extra access? I go on corsasport (dont laugh, i have corsa and i know its shite) and they have a premium member server which is about £10 a year and you get a corsasport email address and an image hosting service.

The people that are premium members get the access to the vids etc then.

that isnt a bad idea either,im also a paying member at (zetec S owners club) and over there we get access to extra stuff,videos,pictures.discounts on parts,also a cool logo under our name,lol and that is £10 a year.

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