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Blip 08-01-2006 12:18 AM

Yet another camera buying thread [Cannon A620]
Hi, I am planning to buy my first D.Camera and remembered we have several experts here on JW that could weigh in on the issue.

I will use it mainly to take high quality photos of nature, cities and cars :twisted: . I'm not very familiar with different features (e.g. SLR vs DSLR) but I understand I need good manual control so I can mess around with shutter speed & such, in order to create cool effects.

What do you guys think of the Canon Powershot A620 7.1MP ?

It seems to have a lot of features and looks more professional than those silly tiny sony cameras we see on TV. Although I would like to get a high performance camera with good value as well. I think $250 is probably the max I should spend.

Thanks in advance for any input on the matter.

jadeddjay 08-01-2006 12:44 AM

cant go wrong with canon.. i doubt you will find anything better than that price. only thing i dont really like about the a series is the lack of rechargable batteries but thats a relatively minor issue. also lack of iso button is another minor issue. i acually change iso alot when shooting so it would be annoying for me but for the price i could tolerate it.

AlienDB7 08-02-2006 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by jadeddjay
only thing i dont really like about the a series is the lack of rechargable batteries but thats a relatively minor issue.

That's actually a good thing, especially when you're on vacation. Proprietary rechargable batteries are expensive but AA NiMH's are fairly affordable. Just buy an extra set of AA's and you'll be set for the week. Not to mention you can find AA alkaline batteries in almost every country.. just make sure they don't leak ;)

In fact, the use of AA NiMHs is one of the reasons why I decided to stick to Canon's. I still use my old Canon A400, it's a great "little" camera that's good enough for less important shots.

jadeddjay 08-02-2006 10:55 AM

true.. i just get annoyed with having to buy and dispose of batteries. i just prefer rechargable but its a small issue

looks like a great camera either way, have fun with it if you end up buying it

Blip 08-02-2006 12:18 PM

ye i will be ordering it pretty soon. Only downside is it doesnt have image stabilization and the zoom is too little.

I am getting a really cool portable tripod though :D Can grip trees and such.

jadeddjay 08-02-2006 01:14 PM

canon s2

just an idea... it may be out of your price range but this sounds like something you may want to consider

Blip 08-08-2006 02:46 PM

The S2 is great but a little too large and heavy for me at this point, as I would like to carry it around most of the time.

Anyway I've settled on and ordered the Cannon A620 7.1 Mpixels. Should be here tomorow :D.

I'll let you guys know what I think of it after some testing.

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