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dutchmasterflex 08-01-2006 09:16 AM

Jet packs are coming, seriously.
now wheres my 200,000 dollars..

Jabba, I think you should definitely add this to your garage ;)

nickthaskater 08-01-2006 09:23 AM

Haha that's awesomely mad :lol:

RC45 08-01-2006 11:57 AM


One engine ingested a sensor wire, shutting it down. This was a loss of 45lbs of thrust. This is the reason this test is only for a few seconds.
There in lies the problem.. ;)

Aviaiton flies waya from the debris of humanity and as such are pretty reliable and safe modes of travel.

A "JetPacker" would be in and around the hub-bub and litter of the big city and and particle injestion will be guaranteed.. ;)

Did you notice how quickly he fell back to earth, even from a few inches?

Even from 100ft you would pretty much - whats the word? Oh yeah - die if you had a "costume malfunction" of any kind :P

dutchmasterflex 08-02-2006 01:55 AM

Pussy.. ;)

nthfinity 08-02-2006 02:12 AM

meh, old technology from the early 80's.

it worked perfectly, but proved mostly useless

acmarttin 08-02-2006 02:18 AM

Yeah, but your cool factor would go up by about 2 billion points by being able to verify your jet pack with a custom picture on JW :)

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