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RC45 03-10-2004 02:16 AM

Iraqi Constitution & Bill of Rights...
So - any other pro-Iraqi war supporters gladdened by the vindication of our support of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein?

Seems that after all the UK and USA were not trying to "invade Iraq to occupy and pillage" the country.... but were simply trying to oust a violent and dangerour dictatorial tyrant....

These are pretty powerful words in the preamble to the Iraqi Constitution...




8 March 2004


The people of Iraq, striving to reclaim their freedom, which was usurped by the previous tyrannical regime, rejecting violence and coercion in all their forms, and particularly when used as instruments of governance, have determined that they shall hereafter remain a free people governed under the rule of law.

These people, affirming today their respect for international law, especially having been amongst the founders of the United Nations, working to reclaim their legitimate place among nations, have endeavored at the same time to preserve the unity of their homeland in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity in order to draw the features of the future new Iraq, and to establish the mechanisms aiming, amongst other aims, to erase the effects of racist and sectarian policies and practices.

This Law is now established to govern the affairs of Iraq during the transitional period until a duly elected government, operating under a permanent and legitimate constitution achieving full democracy, shall come into being.
... and if you read the body language - quite an amazing amount of progress tht has been made in such a short time.

Perhaps Saudi Arabia should be next .... ;)

aliendude012 03-10-2004 02:43 AM

short amount of time? I think we have been there far too long. I was a strong opponent of this war going in, and for most of its duration. At the end, and now afterwards, I realize that (intentions good or bad) it was necessary and resulted in a good thing. But come on, we've been there for months, MONTHS, and this is finally happening? I won't tell you they were going about it wrong, because I have no better plan, but really. We founded our own country in less time and we fought an empire with NO help. They fought a single tyrannical leader and his pitiful armies with the help of the two most powerful nations in the world.

Glad to see our time and money has been well spent...

ahmedgiyab 03-10-2004 05:57 AM


Saddam wasn't any danger for the world....just people in the US believe the usually... :lol:

OIL was the main issue!!!!

I know...I used to live in Iraq...I've been there since the Gulf war 6 times...

I feel sorry for those who believe in the media... :(

RC45 03-10-2004 06:09 AM


I am not "the US people"- so I know you were not directing that comment at me... I was born and raised half a world away - and use international sources for my news.


If your age of 24 is correct - your were 10 years old at the time of the Gulf War - hardly a reliable information source. In fact you are tyhe correct age to have been brain-washed into believing what ever drivel you believe.


Explain how Iraqi oil is the issue? There are many more cheaper sources for oil in the world - Iraq is just ONE of them.


What part of a country NOT cowering in fear from their murdering dictator is not good?

So - lets get the facts then - as you know them - you seem to be so well informed... but I am guessing you wont have any. You will just mouth off violent rantings with no actual facts... Baghdad Bob was your uncle then?

ahmedgiyab 03-10-2004 07:14 AM

I was 12 at 1991 :wink: ...

I was in the Gulf in 1991 (since I'm from Dubai...) so I know what was going on!!!!

I said that I've been there since the Gulf war 6 times (1991-2002)....

Sorry "US people"= 24/7 watch TV... :wink:

You think that the US wants to buy the Iraqi oil???? They steal it... Iraq has the biggest oil reserves in the world...the UN didn't let Saddam to export their oil for over 10 you think that Bush went to Iraq to save the Iraqi people????
Why Bush doesn't help the people in North Korea then???!!! No benefit from that country... 8)

It was all planned because of the oil...where are the chemical weapons then???!!!
With the help of the satelites and other new technologies you can find a matchbox!

Sorry if I hurted anyone...I just hate narrow thinking...!!! :x

RC45 03-10-2004 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by ahmedgiyab
I was 12 at 1991 :wink: ...

I was in the Gulf in 1991 (since I'm from Dubai...) so I know what was going on!!!!

I said that I've been there since the Gulf war 6 times (1991-2002)....

Sorry "US people"= 24/7 watch TV... :wink:

You think that the US wants to buy the Iraqi oil???? They steal it... Iraq has the biggest oil reserves in the world...the UN didn't let Saddam to export their oil for over 10 you think that Bush went to Iraq to save the Iraqi people????
Why Bush doesn't help the people in North Korea then???!!! No benefit from that country... 8)

It was all planned because of the oil...where are the chemical weapons then???!!!
With the help of the satelites and other new technologies you can find a matchbox!

Sorry if I hurted anyone...I just hate narrow thinking...!!! :x

Please do a little more research than just listening to Arab propoganda if you want to debate.

Do you honestly think the Middle East holds the only oil reserves in the world?

They are simply the cheapest of the moment - but the Russians, the Canadians and by virtue of the Alaskan fields - the USA have enough oil to be self suffient if need be - it is just not currently cost effective.

Besides - your entire region is gonna be pretty much screwed as the world migrates towards alternative and hybrid fuel solutions... your wealth will drain into the desert sands forever....

BTW - the coalition forces went to Iraq to fist kick Saddams ass out - but a by product of not completely destroying the country (which could have easily bean done) is that the Iraqi people get to try a peaceful form of government.

But what would you know about democracy - you are from Dubai...

ahmedgiyab 03-10-2004 08:01 AM

Iraq has the biggest oil reserve in the WORLD!!! Ask anyone! Or should I send you some sites to check??? :lol:

Yes I'm from Dubai so what??!!! You are sooo naive! For sure you think that we live from oil as well....we go to work on camels... :lol:

Pls do a research...Dubai's oil is only 9% from the income...

Since there is no Hong-Kong anymore...multinational companies came to sattle in Dubai...because of no income taxes (also no VAT)...New for you I guess....

You want to explain to me about oil...I'm doing my third dissertation degree in MBA!

You think we are dumb??!! Check the war of '73...see what happened...the US was screwed...since that year you started to reserve the oil...Texas, Alaska...yeah there is oil in the US....but then why is the US buying form the ME???? To keep it for later...hard times...(learn from the mistakes of 73)...

I don't want to argue on this...I understand that different people...with different opinions... :)

SPEEDKILLAR 03-10-2004 09:43 AM

Sine crazy Saddam was overthrown, there has been more casualties and massacre, and please RC 45 don't say It's not for the oil, do you realy think the Bush administration cares about the ppl in Iraq, don't think so. You really think the
US would spend billion of dollars just to help the poor Iraqis, they want that money back. In fact It's the US who will chose who will be head of certain positions, etc...
I could go on and on, you just have to admit that's how It is. :wink:

Jabba 03-10-2004 09:50 AM

I can see this thread ending up being a bigger "war" then the one with Iraq in the first place :P

I would join in but I am sure RC45 can take care of himself.

BADMIHAI 03-10-2004 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba
I can see this thread ending up being a bigger "war" then the one with Iraq in the first place :P

I would join in but I am sure RC45 can take care of himself.

Since you're "The Daddy", I think you should come back from time to time change RC's diapers.

That constitution is bull shit, and all the important people will be puppets of the U.S. We all know they did it for OIL, and only RC doesn't want to admit it.

possessed_beaver 03-10-2004 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR
Sine crazy Saddam was overthrown, there has been more casualties and massacre,

sorry but we use logic and common sence here, want a masacre..
what about the attempted uprising against sadamn...?

tens of thousands, he gassed more people that died on setpember 11,

he was killing major religious factions inside iraq during his rulings, amoung the killings in his OWN FAMILY!!!
i believe he killed one of his family members while drink, and carved them up with a meat slicer....

he is a tool, but removing him is much better for iraq,
ok some ppl got very rich as a result. but alot of people are allowed freedom things we take for granted like the ability to grow long hair..

and u are aparantley a woman.. ya wana list what he done against women someone?

Jabba 03-10-2004 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by BADMIHAI

Originally Posted by Jabba
I can see this thread ending up being a bigger "war" then the one with Iraq in the first place :P

I would join in but I am sure RC45 can take care of himself.

Since you're "The Daddy", I think you should come back from time to time change RC's diapers.

Trying to keep it light hearted....I could say that you are suggesting that the shit comes out of his ass and not his mouth then in that case. This of course isnt the case for everyone here.

RC45 03-10-2004 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by ahmedgiyab
Iraq has the biggest oil reserve in the WORLD!!! Ask anyone! Or should I send you some sites to check??? :lol:

Wrong: Saudi Arabia does - at about 25% of the known reserves - Iraq is second with less than 10% of the worlds known reserves.
and only the if you count the Kuwait reserves with the Iraqi reserves...

....and if you take into Canadas reserves - suddenly Iraq is 3rd fiddle...

[I will leave more "reserve" debate for later]

And notice how the worlds oil prices and supply has been just fine even though Iraqi supples never got back to the pre -1991 levels - ever...


Originally Posted by ahmedgiyab
Yes I'm from Dubai so what??!!! You are sooo naive! For sure you think that we live from oil as well....we go to work on camels... :lol:

Pls do a research...Dubai's oil is only 9% from the income...

Since there is no Hong-Kong anymore...multinational companies came to sattle in Dubai...because of no income taxes (also no VAT)...New for you I guess....

Fairy jaded view:

Dubai re-invented itself after 1990 - at that time (when you were a 10 year old snot nose) more than 1/3 of revenues were oli based - but as always, things change - and this case there is more money to be made as the "middleman" in various business ventures - so yes only 10% of GDP is directly oil based... however, make no mistake that the oil service and support industry oes not play a major role in the UAE GDP. Trade being import - but I digress - this is not an advertisment for "Move your business to Dubai"... it is about whether the UAE and others should have exclusive access to a peaceful way of life.


Originally Posted by ahmedgiyab
You want to explain to me about oil...I'm doing my third dissertation degree in MBA!

I call faker based on your unbalanced view of the world...


Originally Posted by ahmedgiyab
You think we are dumb??!! Check the war of '73...see what happened...the US was screwed...since that year you started to reserve the oil...Texas, Alaska...yeah there is oil in the US....but then why is the US buying form the ME???? To keep it for later...hard times...(learn from the mistakes of 73)...

You do know the breakdown behind US oil consumption right? While over half of the oil consumed, is imported, only 15% of these imports come from the Arab world... USA imports more oil from North, Central and South America, than the Middle East... ou did know this... right?


Originally Posted by ahmedgiyab
I don't want to argue on this...I understand that different people...with different opinions... :)

So it just that easy - any constitution or peaceful attempt at self-governance in Iraq must be fake and bogus and puppet... One would have thought you would be hapy an Arab neighbour will no longer be a dictator...

Either way - I gotta go visit with clients - lets see if you have anything more substantial to offer by sun down....

RC45 03-10-2004 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by BADMIHAI

Originally Posted by Jabba
I can see this thread ending up being a bigger "war" then the one with Iraq in the first place :P

I would join in but I am sure RC45 can take care of himself.

Since you're "The Daddy", I think you should come back from time to time change RC's diapers.

That constitution is bull shit, and all the important people will be puppets of the U.S. We all know they did it for OIL, and only RC doesn't want to admit it.

Explain - in respectable prose, how that Constitution and Bill of Rights is bul shit? Please do....

And please explain the strategic gain that is to be magically gained by just staning near the Iraqi oil reserves --- you do know that Saddam let the oil production infrastructure get into disrepair while he was raping and illaging - and that Iraq could not ever habe hoped to returm to previous oil production glory without rebuilding that entire infrastructure.... but you knew that... right?

RC45 03-10-2004 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR
Sine crazy Saddam was overthrown, there has been more casualties and massacre, and please RC 45 don't say It's not for the oil, do you realy think the Bush administration cares about the ppl in Iraq, don't think so. You really think the
US would spend billion of dollars just to help the poor Iraqis, they want that money back. In fact It's the US who will chose who will be head of certain positions, etc...
I could go on and on, you just have to admit that's how It is. :wink:

Wanna open a third front? I am game for battling on all 3 fronts... but then they have to be battle worthy assaults...

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