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coloradosilver 04-14-2004 08:26 AM

Americans are FAT
Ok, Im in the middle of a tour of Europe. So far Ive been to Ireland, London, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, and Florence. Everyone is in good shape. I just canĂ*t believe how fat americans are compaired to the reat of the world. Its so sad. I dont know if anyone really cares, but this was just an in your face kind of realization. Take care.


SPEEDKILLAR 04-14-2004 08:28 AM

Long live Mac Donalds :lol: :lol: :lol:

SPEEDKILLAR 04-14-2004 08:30 AM

hahahahahaha :lol: :lol:

gis 04-14-2004 09:05 AM

there has been a lot of stuff on TV and the news here in the UK lately,and a lot of TV documentarys about bein fat.people here seem to think if we keep eating liek we do the UK will be one of the countrys with the biggest people.its gettin kinda annoying seein this on the news and on TV programmes all the time

TT 04-14-2004 09:10 AM

It is also true that the trend in whole Europe is changing and we are more and more fat ourselfs too...

ALEJOGT2 04-14-2004 09:19 AM

BADMIHAI 04-14-2004 09:23 AM

So what's new? Americans drive anywhere they go, and they eat more junk food. Of course they're gonna be fat. I shouldn't be speaking, because I'm not on the thin side myself, but I do excercise alot. I play rugby, and I have taekwondo 4 times a week.

SPEEDKILLAR 04-14-2004 10:09 AM

Mmmmmmm, olive oil, I practically drink olive oil, I never eat junkfood, a lot of fruit, oh god I love fruit and vegetables. I think my only bad habbit is coffee, although coffe isn't considerd that bad, it does have some good things about it,
good for kidney and liver.

Tomerville 04-14-2004 10:32 AM

Well American's use butter too. Its just about the moderations. Also, in America we think that Margerine is better for us, while it has trans fats which are even worse than saturated. I have noticed how ever England is seriously competing with the USA when it comes to large people.

jon_s 04-14-2004 11:24 AM

I fear that some Europeans, mainly England, are going the American way. The amount of fat kids going to school now is shocking! I hope we get it sorted out, kids now days spend far too much time on the ps2, and not playing with their friends in the street/park. This can also be blamed on the fact that parents are scared of letting their kid go out of sight for one second. :(

mit5005 04-14-2004 11:45 AM

Dan that is an awesome picture. I am American and I can totally agree with that. I know that McDonalds is a world wide corporation but Americans can't stop eating it.

nthfinity 04-14-2004 12:25 PM

Michigan is one of the Fatest states in the U.S. and in the job I have, i see people from almost all social levels from the fairly wealthy, to "hi how do i use this welfare stuff" and even worse.... "heres my welfare stuff"

i hate to say it, but most well to do people are more fit. i blame it on a few things, starches, and people not knowing, or wanting to better themselves. there are cirtainly exceptions to the rule, but like i said, i work in an environment where i see all types. its not just McDonalds and fast food by a long shot

adamrotor 04-14-2004 12:39 PM

Its the food, ileved for 10yrs in poland and now for 11 years in the states and ive gain some weight when i got adjsuted to the food here but ever since last year im in good shape. That pic is so true, cant wait to go touring in europe for vac meet some fun girls :wink:


DeMoN 04-14-2004 01:29 PM

Well I live in Florida in a campus dorm... and I also eat here. One time, I saw a bunch of kids (maybe from a school wanting to get in college) and I decided to sit near the grill. I started counting the amount of people in line and counted how many burgers were given away (all-you-can-eat). The amount of people selecting burgers was almost 100% Very few chose something else (and most of those few chose something even worse! Grilled cheese). Everyone was saying "A hamburger (many asked for two) AND fries." That just is the american way and eating burgers and fries are the American Dream. There are maybe 2 well 3 female students that are good looking, and two of those are not even americans!

I always avoid eating fat stuff. I never eat chocolates cookies cakes or anything. I dont even drink orange juice in america (many carbohydrates and sugars). Everyday, I eat two grilled chicken breast and a dish of salad and I drink water (1 time for lunch and no dinner). For almos 1 whole year now it has been that way lol, I am gettin really tired of it, but I rather eat healthy and stay fit.

I go to the gim for two hours every day exept sundays and I play basketball 1 to 2 hours per night, and even that way, (eating my boring food 1ce a day) I manage to gain some pounds sometimes! There must be some hidden fat somewhere in american food!

jon_s 04-14-2004 01:43 PM

Out of interest how much water do all you lot drink? I find that if I really need to concentrate a pint of water goes well. I probably drink on average 2 ltrs of water a day.

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