Thread: Marijuana
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Old 03-13-2004, 04:34 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by thamar
Ey RC45, first of all, before you call someone a potthead make sure you have some bloodresults of that person.
I dare you to let my blood be tested by a lab and they'll give you back a clean result.
Then you are lying about using pot - as if you do, THC will be in you blood.

Originally Posted by thamar
So I suggest to you, to get out some more, from behind those pc's. Find a woman and get your dick sucked ASAP. If you're to ugly, fat, or socialy handicapped (that last one sure is the case) I suggest you go see a psych who's allso a prostitute, in that way you don't have to leave those precious pc's too long.
Cus eum dude, you are way to frustrated for this world. No wonder you're pissing on everyone, your balls are about to blow houston from the side of the earth.
You are almost funny - if you were some fucking idiot one could probably have a laugh at you.

I can safely say - I would not even bother pissing in your mouth if your teeth were on fire.

Why would I be frustrated with a world that has given me a family, success and fortune?

Makes no sense to me...
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