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Old 03-23-2004, 08:34 PM   #24
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The only people that benifit from outsorcing is the country that the outsourcing is done to and sometimes the greedy pockets of the executives who made the decision.

Wrong. From economics we know that we all benefit. We spend less for the products we buy because costs are less. The country too gains cash. Everyone wins as a whole, albeit some individuals lose. Greedy pockets is kind of funny. Cause in reality capitalism only works because of greed and communism/socialism can't work because of it.

This is true, well mostly the greed part could use some revision. Any one that does not support free trade is a stinky hippy.

Then again I am an economics major so have been programed to support the capitalist system we (those not living in Finland, Sweeden, China, France, looks like Spain now, the Netherlands, etc) live in. (not that any of those countries are bad I love Paris, and who does not like Amsterdam. They just have heavy inefficient welfare states that depress growth and Free trade) Hope I did not piss off anyone.
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