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Old 08-13-2003, 02:59 AM   #5
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It's one of the best snowboarding vids I've seen. I don't buy them often as they are kind of expensive and usually pretty short. Optigrab is pretty long though. Somewhere around an hour. You might be able to find it on Kazaa.
Here are someother goods ones to search for.
Kingpin Chronicles
The entire TB series (TB1, TB2, etc.)
Steak and Lobster
Some of them are a bit old but they are good.

Nova, I'm dying for some snow! I made the mistake of watching a few of my snowboarding videos and now I can't wait for winter.I hope we get some decent snow by November at the latest. We are due for it, the past few winters have been very light on snow, it still got cold as shit out though.
It'll be an expensive winter once it arrives though. I need new boots, jacket and I'll probably get some new bindings. Just those three items will probably cost me $600 minimum! Then there are lift tickets! Why does it have to be so expensive?
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