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Old 04-01-2004, 03:09 PM   #1
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Default NRAO commissions Diamler Chrysler...

In a bold move to prevent, and limit RFI (radio frequency interference), the National Radio Astronomy Observatory has commisioned Diamler Chrysler to create a near 0 radio emmissions truck. to do this, officials have spoken of the use of an alternative, and exotic computer controls system. this system has been under development at the Bell Janski Labs in Green Bank, WV in cooperation witht he automotive Giant for almost a year. the system, still in its infancy relies heavily on sparkless diesle technology, and a faraday cage theory.
Ghalen Miles P.H.D. in electrical engineering and radio astronomy said today that it is becoming extraordinarily nessisary to get this working with the funtionality of the GBT (Robert C. Byrd Telescope) being proven as the most advanced telescope ever built with a frequency bandwith sensativity far beyond that of any telescope previously designed. he described it as small as 130 gigaherts, or 3 1/10ths of a milimeter of discreption. "at those frequencies, the slightest electronic ignition could set it off by one of our technitions a mile away. this is why we need this technology"
some say that Radio Astronomy is pointless, but because of it, we have such benefits of satalite communication, and further knowlege of the furthest reaches of phisics.
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