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Old 04-16-2004, 11:45 AM   #22
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I like the way they are accepting donations (so far $30 I think) for videos that I have captured and provided for JW free of charge.

They say its not like really making money from the videos though as the money is being used to buy a better capture card and other equipment and that the BBC will understand and not mind as Top and Fifth Gear is not broadcast in the USA.

I am sure the BBC and channel 5 would be delighted that they are using the money to buy better equipment to ripp more of their shows off.

What of course will happen is they will draw the attention of the BBC as they are taking money for their shows and then they will be shut down...and then the BBC will probably make their way over here and try and close JW down as well as they will think we are something to do with them.

I would suggest that they are the selfish ones that through their stupidty and greed will ruin it for everyone.
Hum i didn't see the things under this angle Fucking bastard, we must find who he is.
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