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Old 04-17-2004, 07:54 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Viper007Bond
Originally Posted by Jabba
You chose to make Justin Syder a moderator on your website which he uses to post his pointless crap about JW on....and therefore he is dragging you into this.
I respectfully disagree with you on that. Just because he's posting on my forum does not make me responsible for his words. I'm not going to censor someone on my forum - he has a right to his opinion.

As for the donations, you have brought up some valid points and I am going to reconsider that.
To be honest viper I couldnt give a shit about anything someone posts on your forum least of all JS.

I am pissed off however that he is taking videos from me that I capture and that you take cash donations for.

You could get into some serious shit for this as well as I could.... and get both our sites closed down.

You seem like a decent kind of guy with good intentions that perhaps has been tempted to push his luck one step to far perhaps.
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