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Old 05-03-2004, 02:46 AM   #13
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For once I can say I agree with you Graywolf624. Having had some previous political disagreements it may come as something of a suprise, but no matter what the cause is, nor how much you disagree with it, there is no excuse for libeling the soldiers who fight for our armed forces. Whether or not they agree with the battle they are fighting, they are there, we are not. They have made the effort to do something that most people could not, and in many cases, they pay the ultimate price. Whether or not the soldiers are "Rambo-alikes" (as I'm sure some of them are) it doesn't matter. People in the U.S. armed forces go where they are told and carry out the duties to which they have been assigned. Tillman died fighting for his country and for his comrades in arms.

On the other hand, in some ways I have to congratulate the person who made the inflammatory statement that started all this. He/She has as much a right as the rest of us to carry and express opinions. Whether we agree or not is our business, and though the statement about Tillman is certainly irksome, it is just that, a statement of opinion. It takes guts to speak your mind when you know that a good chunk of the audience will disagree and likely react icily.

Either way it isn't right to dishonor the dead, no matter how much you disagree with their ideals and purpose (alright, maybe Hitler, Stalin and their like deserve the flak they get).
me-- "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Sometimes I feel like the moon is made of cheese"

my Hindibonics-speaking Indian roommate--"Dawgs, do you have any idea how much bacteria that would take?"
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