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Old 05-27-2004, 11:46 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by T-Bird
owning ANY car that is 1 of 500 is more prestigious no matter who makes it. you european whiners need to swallow your pride and accept that fact.
Hey I was stating a fact, I was not stating my opinion. I never said the car sucks. How ever when people buy a car they also purchase an "image".
Now in europe the only popular GM cars are opel/vauxhalls which are not considered to be upper market cars.
Now I know that in the US Cadillac had a problem with their image. The cars where considered not to be cool (only weathy old people drove caddis). They are slowly changing the image around.
As for this car being faster around the ring than an AMG and an M, it may be. I still would take an M5 over this or an AMG becuase I prefer its looks, and I associate myself more with BMW than with the other 2 brands mentioned.

Well just have to wait and see for the final product. I do find the hood a bit ricey though...
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