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Old 05-29-2004, 10:22 AM   #1
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Default Why Change F1. Look at it Now!

Well as it has been said for ages "Things never stay the same" and this point is being proven at the moment. BAR are flying! Schumi may leave soon and other teams are getting stronger. So why introduce all these new rules which are the same as going back to the stone age. Dont get me wrong I love H pattern but F1s are simply to fast, and it would be very dangerous with current speeds to drive with one hand 1/4 of the time.

Ferrari can not dominate all the time. The problem with a team that is not being challenged is that they dont have strong points to improve one while other teams know what to work on. When a team is so dominant they simply dont know what to improve on.

So the Ferrari domination will end because it has to. Things just work that way.

I agree on cutting down the costs but going to spec parts is just killing the sport.

You want to cut down costs? Leave the one engine rule. Restrict testing, make the drivers wages lower.

Another idea is to change the engine formula, but thats it. Going to a V12 sounds good, V8 is a tested old formula and we seen to much of that.

Whats your view on this? Should things stay as is.
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