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Old 06-14-2004, 06:56 AM   #1
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Default The Italian border patrol

At the Italian border:

Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border.

The Italian borderpartrol stops them and says:
-It's illegal to travel with 5 people in a Quattro.

-What do you mean, it's Illegal. Demands the astonished German driver.

-Quattro means four, says the Italian borderpatrol officer.

-Quattro is the name of the car, says the German driver.
Here, just look into the papers: this car is develloped for 5 persons.

-This isn't my fault, says the officer. Quattro means four and you have 5 people in your car, so you're breaking the law!

-The German responds aggitated: Idiot, get your supervisor, I want to talk to somebody who's more intelligent then you!

-Sorry, replies the Italian officer, that not possible. He's currently busy with 2 people who are in a Fiat Uno.
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