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Old 08-04-2004, 05:19 PM   #47
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Posts: 408

Thanks st-anger for noticing the avatar. I think it spices up my posts. Can you believe that this guy, whom I won't name but he knows who he is, at JW offered to turn my clip into a gif for me. There are a lot of great people at JW 8) .

I got the clip off a Best Motoring video. Unfortunately that was all there was from that car. Interestingly though it was at the NS and I think their top driver Kurosawa (Gan-san) was driving. I love the drifting of the rear as he rounds the corner. It is kind of hard to see it in the avatar but in the larger clip it looks like the rear suspension was unsettled by a bump in the road. Is that as difficult and as “on the edge” :shock: as it looks? Since I have no experience to draw on, I have always wondered about the ability of the driver to control slides like that when I see them. I'm guessing it would require some real talent at those speeds to control that slide.

At the beginning of the clip it says it was a 1991 911 Turbo and that the NS time was 8:09. That sounds too fast to me. I have been keeping a record of NS times that I have found on 911s and Sport Auto in 1992 ran a 365hp 964 Turbo (I’m guess the 1992 was a Turbo S) in 8:32. If I am not mistaken the 1991 911 Turbo had the same horsepower everywhere across the world and had 320hp. Doesn’t 8:09 sound too fast?
Porsche, there is no substitute. Well except RS Tuning and Manthey.
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