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Old 10-01-2003, 03:21 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
Originally Posted by jakaracman
Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
Great race. Shcumi showed that he is still the best on the field, and Montoya showed what a prick he is by taking out Rubens(a fully avoidable accident), plus he showed what a great racer in rain he is

Shcumi will take another champiosnip even if he finishes 7th. He's the man at suzuka and it's his kind of track, ferrari reliability has been great this year so everything looks good for ferrari.

Go Ferrari.
Actualy it was Rubens that was to blame for the accident with Montoya - he pushed him on the curb and into the grass (and the guys in race control - idiots, they did not have to punish anybody, it was a racing accident). Why cant some driver learn that two cars can go through the corner side by side (as Schumi and Montoya in Monza). You cant just slam the doors ... Montoya could have done that a corner before, but stayed on utside and gave Rubens the room.
Even in racing you got to keep distance mate He hit him right from the back, so its his fault. Same in racing as in a street accident, if you get hit from behind its the fault of the guy for hitting you. Montoya got some good brakes on that F1 and he could have hit the brakes if he saw Rubens rapidly declerating, which he even wasnt.

Put your self in Rubinos shoes, your driving at a normal race pace and someone just hits you from the back, your gonne, the race is over. The key word here is "normal race pace" his car did not brake or anything, so the accident was fully avoidble.
From the back? Did we watch the same race? They were side by side in the middle of corner ... Keeping the distance? JPM did keep it in the first (left) corner when he was on the outside, RB did not in the next. Watch the replay again ...
I really hate it when guys like RB destroy an enjojable duel on the track, why cant they be lihe Schumi, Montoya ...
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