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Old 08-25-2004, 08:45 AM   #1
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Default Taking Bandwidth

I have noticed something that I presume is not normal.

I have a wireless router connected to the internet that is then connected to a four port switch.

The computer that is connected to the router directly (wireless connection) has upload bandwidth of up to 32 KB/SEC.

As I boot each of the other computers up...this then starts dropping by up to 2 KB/ least one of the other computers that takes some of the bandwidth is a fresh install with no applications installed that would use any of the bandwidth available.

By the time all the computers are online I am down to 26 KB/SEC...does a router allocate some bandwidth to each computer on the network regardless of if the actual computer is using it or needs it ?

I am going to try just using the router tonight and not the second switch...although this is going to be tricky due to cable length.
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