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Old 08-25-2004, 10:50 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by DeMoN
are you sure you have no spyware on your computer? That takes up bandwidth. I had to get spyspweeper and spybot search and destroy to get rid of all of them. As far as I know, routers dont allocate speeds for different computers unless you have your router set up that way. From my expreience, whatever one computer does, it does with all the speed it has available. As I said, some other stuff is transmitting the info. Maybe its even windows. Go to control panel and double click on Administrative Tools then double click on services. You will see a whole list of so called services that either start manualy or automatically. Sort them by Startup type and start disabling the ones you wont use and setting manual to the ones you might.

One of them is the error reporting tool. You know how you get the message to either send or not send the report to windows on every crash? Well you should disable that and many other ones you dont need.

If I can think on something else, ill tell you.
One has just been formated and is running the exact same version of XP that the laptop is using that can upload at 32KB/SEC...I have never seen that amount of bandwidth lost before and that was on computers that did have alot of spyware running etc....
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