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Old 09-15-2004, 09:53 PM   #13
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Join Date: Jan 2004
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Has that driving curfew made a difference in Michigan since it was implemented?
not as far as i know... although, when i was 16, i never had a reason to stay out later then 11pm, or drive earlier then 5 am... after all, i didnt even have my first car til i was 18 years old. i must say, that cerfew was reasonable

what did help in the licencing process was that the privilege to drive was earned by driving hours ... 50 daytime hours/parents, 10 night-time hours/parents before you could even get the restricted licence. then, you have a second session class a few months after the first permit to re-establish taught principles. after that... then at 16, you can get your restricted licence if you passed the first 2 sessions with 85% or higher (mabey 90%? ) im not perfectly sure... 100% both times here and pass the driving test.

on top of that, the restricted licence is maintained until you are 17, and drive like anybody else.

the unfortunate part is once somebody is 18, they dont need a driving test anymore, or the two driving instruction sessions.

i must say; the main thing that made me such a 'good' driver was my dad giving me the keys when he left on buisness trips... and having me drive an hour to and from work in heavy suburban rush hour every day for a month. i had learned defensive driving. now the rest of my life is dedicated to learning 'how to drive'
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