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Old 09-18-2004, 01:22 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by sentra_dude

How many people go racing? Really, not many people take their cars to the track, at least not often enough to warrant spending the usual $7000-$10,000 premium of an F1 box.

I know all the advantages of F1 boxes backwards and forwards, but I think it comes down to people getting lazier and lazier and not wanting to operate gear stick, clutch & gas; but still wanting the 'sportiness' of a manual.
Maybe not in the states but definately over here in the UK and most likely the rest of europe, track racing and events are a big thing and one of the most common track day cars is the M3 and at the end of the day, if you jsut want outright speed the F1/SMG is the way to go.

Although like most things its mainly down to personal preference but I would have liked to see a manual option definately.
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