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Old 10-03-2004, 01:09 PM   #141
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by greg.little
Couldn't you find a nicer location than some ratty industrial estate? Lovely car but it must have been cringing sitting there. I also didn't see the security guard to protect it while your back was turned, obviously not in the midlands.
Originally Posted by greg.little
I'm not being impolite, it is a fact that in the Midlands car crime is higher than in other parts of the UK, notably the South coast

As for trying to get people to like me, I have enough mates for my needs thanks and I joined this forum because there seemed to be a certain level of intelligence here that is missing from other forums. I wasn't trying to slag people off, far from it, but I won't call a spade an earth inverting agricultural implement just to keep one or two sensitive people off my back.

If the guy can afford exotica like that, and change them as frequently as he does good luck to the bloke and I seriously doubt if he cares what I think to the point of getting upset.
LOL you certainly seem to be dragging the intelligence level down, for a start ever considered that maybe he didn't have loads of time to search for the perfect location,maybe had to do that thing called work that earns you the money to buy such cars! I'm also suprised you have any friends at all with your kind of attitude, its like walking into someones house them offering you a beer and saying "couldn't you find a decent beer for me?" I'm sure Jabba won't care one bit about what you say but you just struck me as incredibly rude .... So i will be too....... Now Fuck Off!!

**EDIT** BTW Jabba Some great new pics, your cars really are spotless inside and out 8)
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