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Old 10-26-2004, 09:53 AM   #42
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Well - as far a he "explanation" for what JW or Jabbasworld means - does there really even need to be one?

I simply let folks know I spend time at jabbasworld or JW for short - and that it's a general enthusiasts site. As to what the name means, I simple say "nufink - is jus a forkin name hey.."

Now for promotional material, it could simply show JW... afterall, I should imagine the Prancing Horse and Charging Bull's will be just as difficult to work into promotional material as the Star Wars theme.

I fear becoming "just a another gas station on the super hiway to oblivion" is sometimes as simple as a name change... unless it is carried out really carefully -- and then of course you can still retain the names for us old farts that take very poorly to change... and rattle snakes in the lucky dip..

So in that vein (which has a mysterious tone about it - and while having no specific meaning could still be the home of an exclusive line of [place exclusive line here]'s) is still up for grabs....
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