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Old 12-28-2004, 03:35 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by mrmojo77
Originally Posted by possessed_beaver
that is very intresting,
in the case of the brintney spears one, i would seriousley put it down to subliminal msg's

i was reading a psycology thign stating that our brain's are capeable of understanding things backwards, at an unconcious level, and how the unconcious brain is very alert, and picks up alot of details, and only gives some of it to the concious brain.

just go out and read a book on subliminal messaging.
Does it work only in english? Is there any cases of reverse speech with some other language than english?
not sure, im not an expert on this, but i don't see how it could work on anylanuage that you're brain can understand..

there is also cases of songs (aparantley) having subliminal noises of people having sex, ect. so you're brain would probley hear it and like the song because of that noise.

a noise i have noticed in a few songs, that serves no knowen concious purpose is the sound of "ringing" like of a bell or something, quite stange i believe it mite be making the song seem better for me or something.. :S

but there was cases in the 1940's i believe during movies they would put 4 frames, lasting 1/20th of a second in the movie, for the latest drink or whatever, you're concious brain woulden't notice it but you're unconcious brain would, you would leave the cinema and go and buy that product, it aparantley worked wonders until it was made illigil.
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