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Old 01-23-2005, 02:53 PM   #84
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Every time I hear someone knock the vette for old technology(which actually some of it *pushrods* are actually younger then what most people consider the hot thing) I think of a very old saying in the computer industry.
KISS- Keep it simple stupid.

It is the use of pushrods and the trasvere mounted leaf spring that keep the price down and make the car reliable. Less features and less moving parts(no need for a sway bar for example) add up to these things. Afterall what really matters in the long run (as Ive said repeatedly to the hsp per liter crowd) is not the parts but there sum.
You can buy the most tech advanced car in the world, and still get beat by old school tech. In the long run what matters in the real world is how the car performance in the categories you want per the amount you spend. Remember that the next time some idiot says his civics better then a vette cause of higher hsp per liter...
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