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Old 03-19-2005, 06:07 PM   #18
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Alberta, Canada
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I have a Madcatz wheel I bought 1.5 years ago for Gt3, it took some time getting used to it, and knowing you cant toss the car into the corner and 'catch and release" for drifting like Tiff does, I would just unsettle the balance of the car and put it in the gravel. Once i learned to minimize steering input to just what was needed, I became seriously good at it. I just got my wheel up to school (from parents house) last weekend, and what a difference it made!!! I didnt check times, but i was in the M3 CSL and using every single inch of the track, perfect braking, heal and toeing, and without a doubt a few seconds a minute faster than I was with the analog sticks. I no longer scrub off speed by poor cornering, and am driving like a real racing pro!!! I hope to buy a GT4 wheel or even *gasp!* Ferrari Thrustmaster wheel one day soon, but for now, this wheel works wonders and I love it. Plus the faux carbon fibre on the wheel and shifter knob is hilarious! $60 CAN very very well spent IMO.
edit: Regarding this specific wheel, there is of course no force feedback(come on guys its only $60 bucks hehe) and it is a little loose steering at dead centre (read: I can move the wheel 1 cm or two without any steering input translating into the game(even on the most sensitive setting on the wheel programs) but its pretty damn good and is 100X better than the controller.
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