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Old 03-31-2005, 04:41 PM   #32
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toronto said
now to talk about the car spinning on the turn in, this is caused by late braking and causes the rear to loose grip and spin around, all the drivers fault
Oversteer on corner entry is a touchy subject.

Yes, you can create this with extreme late breaking, but if you have slowed to a speed that your front tires are comfortable with, but the rears can not keep up and therefore slide. This can mean you do not have enough rear wing, or enough rear mechanical grip in the car. It 's not just the drivers fault. If the engineers can fix an corner entry oversteering car, the driver will probably be able to break later and get closer to the speed/stability he is looking for. The driver cannot be content to deal with this condition. If they want to go faster they have to try and correct the problem.
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