Thread: GTR Review
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Old 04-02-2005, 09:32 PM   #38
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You know whats the problem with people like you? You know absolutly nothing about structure of GTR, you have no idea how the physics model that it is build around, you know nothing about it period. All you did was install it, try for for a few seconds, realize that your rubbish at it, and give up. You can not expect to sit down and drive like a pro, hell if you didnt have fun with GTR, I want to see you try GPL, now you'd probably say its the most unrealstic thing out there...Now it does not take a genious to figure out that driving the thing in real life is much more fun then driving one in a simulator.

Any decent driver can drive a 600bhp race car? That has to be the funiest thing I have ever heard, that statement is an insult to any race car driver out there. A 600bhp race car, with slicks, any decent driver car drive that? Ok.

And again you got it all wrong. GT4 is a computer GAME. GTR is a computer SIMULATOR. If you say that you cant learn more from GTR then from GT4 then again your proving how misinformed, or just not informed at all you are.

HOw do I compare which is better? Well it depends what you are talking about. If you are talking about which is the better game, then the better game is GT4, because its actually a game, if you are talking about simulators then I will take GTR.

Lastly why do you keep brining up the fun thing? Forget about fun, for different people fun is a different thing. For you its games for me its sims.

I will no longer reply in this thread unless someone wants to have an intelligent conversation about the differnt sims physics engines etc, cause I dont have the time to waist to prove things to people who do not even bother researching the subject they are talking about.
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