Thread: GTR Review
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Old 04-03-2005, 01:46 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by topgeartom
SO maybe i dont know much about the game model,a dn the physics mapping used, but then, who does? realistically what percentage of buyers are going to know exactly how the game works, and has all the right equipment to play it (in order to actually stop being crap at it)??? I dont think it will be anywhere near over 1/4. So thats a really dam low amount of people who will enjoy the game - and dont give me any of that simulator shit, maybe it is billed as a simulator, but thats just a sub-genre, its a fucking Game, outright. So if such a low amount of people enjoy the game, then that surely makes it one of the very worst games in a long while. We buy games to enjoy them. They are entertainment, they are meant to make us feel good and happy, and if you cant get that feeling straight away from a game - then surely it has failed in its only purpose!
Have you ever read one of your posts? You sound like a complete retard.

Realisticly simulators dont sell because the level of diffculty is to high for regular people who just want a fun racing game, a fun flying game. Hence there are barely any out there. You can count them on your fingers, because GTR would sell a few thousand copies if it didnt have an arcade mode implanted which was only there so they could actually make some money off of the game.

You are the type who injoys GT4 and Crimson skies.

Ever tried flying a proper flight sim? Lomac, or Falcon4? Obviously you are going to say thats its rubbish because you have to read a whole manual on how to start the jet turbines spinning. And you have to read another manual about 200pages long on how to work the radar. You'll also have to read a book on basic flight controll, missle evasion...You'll have to read another book one weapons, their range, their speed, which to use on who and how, at what alltitude and what speed.

Or is this shit because you just cant jump in and fly? Fuck mang, jet fighets are a bunch of dumb idiots then, you just jump in the cockpit hit the take off button and start launching rockets at full rate hoping you can take someone down.

These are simulators. You tried GTR, and bam you suck, but you expected to sit in and drive off doing 2.10s at spa didnt you? I guess you can do that in real life to? Jump in the lister storm strap in and lap like crazy?

Bottom line, learn your shit and play your games. If simulators dont make you happy then they obviously arent for you, stick to your NFSU2 and GT4 while Ill stick to my LOMAC, GTR and GPL, along with that moon landing dos based simulator I have.
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