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Old 04-15-2005, 09:03 AM   #1
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Default I'm meeting Maximillion Cooper::UPDATED with pics

Ok, I can't belive this is happening :shock:

So here's the story.

Gumball rally will be making a stop in a neighbour country.( Dubrovnik, Coratia).

That's a 7 hour drive from Ljubljana and I plan on being around that area( Split) visiting my friends at the same time.

For hours ago I say to myself, what if I could contact the GBall crew and this is what happened.
So I email the gumball crew, if we could meet up in Dubrovnik, so I could make a short interview and take a few pics for the magazine.
You know, seing the famous Gumball first hand....

I told them who I am, what I do and if they could maybe send me a vip pass or something because I guess that regular mortals will not have access to the party and everything......if there is not too much trouble.

After and hour I get an answer that the Gumball Crew is in Ljubljana this weekend........gulp :shock: , say that again

So I write back to see if we could set up a date for the interview and I also ask them what are they doing here....

And the answer: Maximillion Cooper is in Ljubljana on a personal visit and they are asking me if I am available on Sunday to meet with him.

I should pick the place.

How freakin' unreal is that? All this from an idea to a meeting with the man in 4 hours.

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