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Old 06-02-2005, 08:43 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Global Hemisphere
I thought it was VERY cool. But don’t really see the advantage. We have been able to open a weather window, stock window, email window, etc and drag info between them for 10 years. And on all OSs, PC, Mac, Linux, etc.

What is the advantage of taking the virtual windows off of a virtual desktop and making them physical windows on a physical desktop? I don’t really see the application for it….
You are being far too literal and lack creativity and vision.

You also totally miss what I have said.


What I had qualified was that in the displayed form it is not practical and is nothing more than a "glass" version of "windowed"apps.

This I identified and qualified a number of times.

What I then went on the discuss was that if the funtionality could be implanted into a SINGLE component that was not dependant on the substrate it was plugged into - then the vision of the above story is good and desirable.

Take "the tile" and place it on the patient chart - uploading the data.

Edit manipulate and perhaps send the data by placing the cell phone on "the tile".

Pay for the medicine by placing card on "the tile".

I guess reading all those ebooks you forgot to concentrate on comprehension.
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