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Old 06-04-2005, 03:43 PM   #27
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 438

why are you so obsessed with just a badge? saying you would by a certain car even though it is much older, slower, and more expensive just bc it says "Ferrari" on it is a little beyond my comprehension. but go ahead and have fun with your overpriced, old, slow, few thousand dollar break job and oil change prancing horse... and one last question, have you ever driven a ferrari? how do you know what it will feel like compared to a Z06? how do you know it will be such an invigorating experience? anyone can see that your dream is to own and drive a ferrari and many people are like that, but the whole problem with that is the whole dream is built on marketing. ferarris are no longer THE benchmark of performance or even style. there is nothing to back up the marketing and the dream any longer except for stubborn people such as yourself who simply wont let it go as a result of their ignorance.
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