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Old 07-25-2005, 04:10 PM   #14
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Its like the shark hunt pics that someone posted the other day. Its a waste if you are not going to use a majority of the animal. Dont kill a deer or any other animal unless you plan to use it all. Skin for fur clothing whatever, meat for food etc. Anything else is a waste. There is no difference in killing a mink for its coat only vs killing a rhino for its horn, or a shark just for the jaw. Its all the same.

I just watched more of the vid, this is really not the biggest problem in the world. We could focus on more pressing matters for sure. On this thing in particular, the only thing I found particularly disturbing was that he didnt kill the animal first. Seems like this is one of those we should fix problems in our own countries before poking our noses in others type situations.
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