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Old 07-28-2005, 03:11 PM   #64
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However you are totally wrong in saying Linux is not a good recent years it has become excellent...the interface is great, installation easy, and drivers readily available
If it is so good then how come it isnt outdoing Windows? It is free. There is OO & StarOffice which are also free. Oh I forgot it takes a Linux geek to figure it all out. Thanks but no thanks., i just care more about functionality, performace, and robustness than pretiness. This is more important at the end of the day
Sounds like you just saw Macs/iPods in the tellie.

wow...bloatware...another buzzword...but ok, here's a quote from the source you seem to love so much, wikipedia
OS X gets faster every OS update. Linux does get faster every OS update. Windows gets slower after each Windows update. Hence bloatware.

Maybe you should go and read that site clearly states that for video, dpi is a non-existant concept
Again you're missing the point. The DPI on the Mac has to be the same from what screen to another. I never mentioned anything about dpi having any baring on videos.

And again you miss the point...just forget the food thing if you can't process a bit of analogy. I was just trying to say that there is more software for PC's because that's where the pay check is for developers
I dont care if developers make money off PCs whether or not they feed the brats or not. All the apps I and a lot of other people need are already on the Mac. Obviously games are high on your priorities then dont use a Mac.

Dude ok...get freakin' servers out of your head...we're not talking about what the best server platform is best here...if we were mac wouldn't even enter into the discussion
I'm only mentioning the servers because they are exposed to the Internet 24/7 & are very popular. If popularity is the reason OS X is immune then Apache webservers should be the most vulnerable of servers. All programs below a certain circulation would be immune.

doesnt have to equate to insecurity and instability irregardless if they are desktops/laptops/servers/workstations/appliances.

Windows has a built in firewall...same as mac,aid,117380,00.asp,1895,1837726,00.asp

Hence the popularity of 3rd party firewalls. Ever wonder why some JW members have 3 firewalls running on their Windows box? I had to uninstall SP2 cause some of the games didnt network properly. Everytime someone brings up how secure and stable Windows is I can google something that'll contradict it.

yeah, way before sp2. it was one of the first security holes found...there's an advantage to having a HUGE user base
Having a homogeneous userbase isn't always a good thing. How soon was the hole plug? A week? Months?

please don't pair linux users and mac users...planets apart baby...planets apart
Linus Torvalds uses Linux on a PowerMac G5 and is loving it. Bill Joy uses OS X on a Powerbook and is loving it.

AH HA!!! you admit it...for performace seeking people windows is mac is good for grannies and web designers who know nothing about computers Very Happy
For people who love to buy $500 video cards & processors everytime they're availble, then yes. I'm glad grannies the world over have a computer for the rest of them. Why make computing needlessly complicated?

Doesn't really relate to his all
Indeed it does.

he's not talking about piracy...and linux on the desktop is better than ever these days as i mentioned above
And the Linux desktop share vs Windows vs Mac is... what? 3rd?

Here again...i think you're just proving our point. Yes...mac are probably better for luddites and people who are pleased by pretty things. like...AOL users...hairdressers...kindergarten teachers

But we're talking about normal people here Razz
Normal people do not leave their PC's guts on display for their cat to piss on.

i can't speak for alex, but i do have ipod. it's 2nd gen, touch wheel, 15 gb. I bought it 2 years ago because it was the largest size available from any vendor (here in poland). However present day it has become a little dated, with respect to file support, capacity, and price
Never used OS X and made assumptions. Does owning an iPod make you part of the trendy, cool, style conscious crowd?

I don't think, as a group, you will a group more computer savvy than IT windows is certainly not "all they know"

when you go through a comp. sci degree you learn basically everything...and windows is most definitely not the OS of choice for programmers.
Why isnt it the OS of choice for programmers? Isn't Windows where the money is? Feed the hungry kids and all that?

talking about me again i guess...don't know why...or even how you arrived at that particular bit of libel Confused
Dont take it seriously. I'm just teasing.

No no...that's you Razz
It's not too hard to swoon. So much pretty computers. Just you wait. OS X will come to a clone near you in a few years time. So brilliant hacker will figure out a way to get OS Xi (i for Intel) to work on clones.

Ok...i've done some assisting in a graphics house my dad was working with...and the first thing any of the designers did when going onto a computer, or getting any piece of hardware, was do print tests and match up the colors. None used macs btw...i think because they didn't support some of the printers they were using (large scale decal, thermal)

whatever, none of that matters, only "first thing any of the designers did when going onto a computer, or getting any piece of hardware, was do print tests and match up the colors."
Thanks for solidifying my belief you dont know what you're talking about.

Can you stop the useless quote replies and write something solid?
Respectfully, if you dont like what is said then dont participate. I will admit this, Macs arent for people who love to build their own system. There are other companies that does that work. If Windows fills your need and the inconvenience isnt inconvenience to you then that's great.

And no, no engineers use Macs. My father has been an IC/Microwave/RF Engineer all his life and never did he use a mac at any of the compaines he worked at.
Can you say that with a great degree of certainty? Your dad isnt the only engineer or where he works the only company that have engineers. I'm guessing your dad uses popular platforms because it is the easiest way to earn a living. I respect that.

And what is wrong with a linux on a regular desktop for regular people. Instead of talking shit go do some reaserch on linux and tell me how its bad. Have you seen latest user friendly pretty GUI Linux distros? All you do is download a 4gb DVD image and you get an OS packed with so much utilities you wont have time to go through them all. And all are very easy to use.
Regular people wouldnt know how to install Linux. How popular are Linux PCs as compared to Windows? Last I heard 9 out of 10 PCs are shipped with Windows. Dude, I used to be a Linux advocate in 1999. I was part of the panel of speakers in Linux 99 in Manila. I still keep tabs with friends from the Philippine Linux User Group and they give me the whole marketing talk about Linux being ready for the desktop. And yet I have yet to see Linux outside of educational environment.

And here's the problem... you need to DOWNLOAD a 4GB DVD image. How many people own DVD writers all over the world? How many people have broadband internet all over the world? Linux is supposed to be free but the economic cost of aquiring it rises the poorer the downloader is.

If pharzo's grannie cant figure out how to install Linux on her eMachine iMac knockoff then it isnt easy enough.

Nothing not user friendly about this
Looks like a monster ate the Windows GUI & Mac GUI and did his business.

Anything pre OSX is shit and you know it, I worked on Macs, not OSX though and all I have to say is that its utter shit, crashed and froze on me so many times that I had to redo projects 10x. And thats a few systems, not one fauluty one. And I was doing work on it that its supposed to excel at, photo and video editing. And dont even ask what model it was cause I dont know and what difference does it make...If I need a 5000$ mac to do basic video editing without crashing every minute then Id rather get a new job.
If you bothered reading my quotes you'd know I said pre-OS X is crap. Now there's the problem. All your biases are because you've used OS 9 or older. I also worked on OS 9 and it made me long for Windows 95! I only got into Macs because of iMovie which is a dream for those who arent out to master Premier and have simpler needs. It had so much limitations and looked so ugly that I'm glad Apple ditched the Platinium look and went with Aqua. Your information on Macs are almost a decade's out of date. OS X is the most advanced OS in the world according to left wing liberal media types. Most expensive Mac is $2999. You can already do basic video editing without crashing for as low as $499, 10 times cheaper than the (fanciful) Mac you're thinking off.

Again give me one reason why I should switch to a mac powered osx os?
One reason.
One reason why would I pick a dual core 64 bit 3.0ghz P4 with ddr4000 running dual 6800Ultras in SLI over any mac? Running a windows and a Linux distro.
Tell me one reason why my parents should switch their 2.4 Celeron with 256DDR 3200 internet machine which I got for them for like 250$ to a mac.
Tell me why the video production company that bought 4 high end PCs from a shop I worked at 2 years should switch to a Mac.
Again you arent Apple's market. They address those who want solutions... not spare parts. Windows XP 64 aint as popular as OS X. Linux are for gear heads not mere mortals.

You sir, are a geek who loves assembling computers like lego. Apple doesnt sell those types of products. They sell solutions. Seeming your dad is a gear head he doesnt need you fixing his computer every so often. Your mum can make your dad her sys admin. Not a lot of people are as brilliant as you or your father hence they look for companies that offer solid solutions to cover their (what you would probably think of as) shortcommings.

Tell me one reason why I would want to swtich to a Mac.
And please, dont bring windows up because thatts the only argument you Mac boys have against PC. There are tons of OSs for PC and Linux these days is as friendly as OSX and Windows, you just need to get the right distro.
There are more games on a Mac than on Linux. Adobe CS is available on Macs. Macromedia is available on Mac. FCP is available on Mac. iLife is available on Mac. M$ Office is available on the Mac. If Linix is as friendly as Windows then how come few are using it? Linux is free and would save you $100-200 worth of licensing fees. Oh yeah, few (commercial) developers make software geared toward your average joe for Linux. Linux is an OS made by geeks for geeks so they wouldnt give a hoot about non-technical users.

So what do have you on me? Nothing.
Dude dont be too angry. You may crash your Linux box into a tree or something.

A PC can do everything a mac can, and a mac cant do a shit load of stuff PC cant. As I said before, the components for your mac were engineered on a PC running the software that you cant get for mac.
Linux cant play games. Cant do print or media for shit... You can upgrade it far more often. Yes, Linux PC desktops are far more greater than any Mac made.

And dont bring up looks because mac has nothing on PC as far as looks go. I can litteraly make a PC look as anything that I want.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Too bad your work of art wouldnt pass with most industrial design heavyweights. Apple has won a lot of awards due to the ground breaking designs which everyone copies.

BTW we make em small too.
Now that looks huge. Pls give physical dimensions of HxWxL & weight. The antenna looks to me can poke out my cat's eye out. BTW how noisy is the heat sink fan on that? Why isn't that slot loading? What I like about it though is that it has ports in the front. Lookie lookie it has Firewire, an Apple-created technology approved by the IEEE for consistently fast file transfers.

Time out... I remembered something... I'l get news items from a very reliable & trusted source... Fox News,2933,162444,00.html,2933,163647,00.html
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